Part 25

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"No!" I exclaimed. "Not you, you're joking."

"I wish I was," He said, taking a step back from me. "I really like you puppet, you've been a great big help. Good luck, Mistral Yagi, you'll need it."

Monama turned into sludge right in front of me just as hysterical laughing came from behind me. I turned to see Shigaraki hunching over as he laughed. I knew he was real, cause One For All said, he's right. I raised my sword to him just as his laughing fit died down and he could see me. He tossed back his long light blue hair then looked at me, his smile arrogant and confident.

"You thought he was really a hero?" Shigaraki barked. "Sorry to burst your bubble but you can't trust everyone."

"Shigaraki," I growled. "You're Nana's grandson, you know that? Why did you do this to yourself, you could've become a hero or just a citizen."

"Don't sound sympathetic, Yagi, as much as you want to believe there's good in someone that's a lie you were raised on." He chuckled. "I wish I had gotten to you sooner, you would've been a better spy than that Monama, but he did fine, now that you're here."

"How do you know?" I demanded.

"If All For One got you during that battle who knows what type of villain you would've turned out to be. Especially if you ran on rage, that you would, definitely, since All Might just let them die." He mused, once again taking his gloves off. "He was right there when it happened, being the number one hero and all I would think that he saved them! I thought he was the best!"

"You can't say that! He tried! I know he did." I yelped, he chuckled.

"I can, and I'm angry at him too, he let my last family member die." He grunted. "Join me, you want to get revenge don't you?"

"No, I vowed to be a hero, there's no way in hell that you'll change my mind." I growled, he shot at me with the usual fast speed.

"Wrong choice." He muttered.

He reached for my face except I grabbed his arm, dropping my sword. I twisted his arm around to the back and pressed five of his fingers against his back, he turned into sludge. Are you serious? I asked One For All, it stayed silent. Steps came from the other end of the alley then running.

I whipped around just in time for another Shigaraki to take my left arm with his hand before bouncing back. All five of his fingers closed around my arm before he jumped back. I cried out in pain as blood seeped through the cracks that went up and down my arm. Shigaraki, who had jumped back from me, watched as I held my decaying arm with my free hand.

"Bastard!" I heard a familiar voice yell.

"More heroes?" Shigaraki growled as someone threw me back behind them.

"We just got your dad back!" Bakugou yelled at me. "Die now, I kill you!"

I nodded with a confused look on my face just as he attacked Shigaraki. I winced in pain just as a pool of blood collected at my knees. Bakugou was right, I couldn't just die on All Might either, it would be the same as him dying on me. My arm hurt like a son of a bitch but I knew that I had to see him again, it wasn't up for debate.

"Mistral!" Deku called, landing next to me. "You didn't do what I think you did right?"

"I did, I couldn't just let him die, you should've seen him." I told him, taking a hold of his outstretched hand. "H-he was holding on the best he could trying to live, so I gave him the chance."

"Here," He said, taking off his shirt and bandaging my arm with it. "Do you think you can fight? I saw a few of his doubles and we'll need as many people as we can get."

"Yeah," I winced, grabbing my sword from the ground.

"Don't wait bastards!" Bakugou yelled at us.

I shot at Shigaraki and Bakugou joining them in their dance. We all stayed out of each other's way but I always took the hits from Shigaraki trying to protect them. I ended up stabbing my sword through where Shigaraki's heart should be except he turned to sludge so it was all a waste.

"M-mistral," Midoriya muttered as I knelt to the ground, coughing up blood. "Are you- Kacchan go get someone!"

I watched as Bakugou ran out of the alley while I leaned into Midoriya about to fall over if I didn't use him as support. My eyesight began to blur as I tried to hold myself up using most of my energy. Midoriya put his arms around me, laying me across his lap.

"Y-you'll be alright," He reassured me. "I've got you, just hold on for me, for All Might, I know you can."

"M-midoriya," I stuttered, knowing that I wasn't going to get out of this. "Tell him that I'm sorry, please."

"Y-you can count on me." He mumbled, cradling me close to his chest.

I closed my eyes leaning into him taking my last breath before something else happened. I didn't know what he did afterward but my mind still raced. Why couldn't I just see him again, or try to see All Might again. I just left him, after thinking I would lose him, he lost me, he wasn't going to forgive me, it was damn near impossible, but really, he wouldn't forgive himself.

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