Part 17

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I arrived soon after getting lost and then found, then lost again in the U.A halls. I knocked on the door and heard the mouse's voice call to come in. I entered and saw a sorrowful voice on Nemuri's face, an old friend of my fathers. She was better known as Midnight.

"What happened?" I demanded. "Is everything ok? Where's All Might? Is he ok?"

"Come dear," Midnight said, grabbing my arm gently. "He's in Recovery Girl's office."

My eyes widened and I ripped my arm away from Midnight. I ran down the hall, tears already soaking my cheeks. I quickly made my way to Recovery Girl's office and broke open the door just to see All Might hooked up to what seemed like thousands of machines. I grabbed his hand and looked at his asleep figure.

"He's in a coma dear, he'll be asleep for a while." Recovery Girl said, holding a tissue out to me. "I'll leave you alone."

I stared at his almost lifeless face and started to cry harder. I couldn't lose him too, at least not yet. He told me he had a few more years left, there was no way I could let him go now. What was I going to do when I needed assistance or I needed him to talk to? Who could replace him? No one could, no one could be as great or kind as him, now I only had myself.

I clutched his hand and looked over my shoulder at the sound of footsteps. Monama stood behind the chair next to mine with a sorry expression, I was too. I looked away then at the ground. He sighed and held his hand out to my free one.

"I found him, it was scary, but I want to be here for you." He told me. "When I was little, my sister would take my hand every time I got worked up so I figured that maybe if I took your hand you'd feel a little better."

I placed my hand hesitantly in his and wiped away my tears. I curled my knees up to my chest and stared at him having flashbacks to when Sir Night Eye was in the hospital. He died too, almost everyone in my early life is dead, I lost all the people I knew l, I couldn't have my dad gone too. I just wanted to keep one of the people I loved alive. If not, I'd be all alone.

Monama had to leave a few minutes later so I was left staring blankly at my dad's inanimate hand. Tears had slowed but my mind still raced with worry and nervousness. I began to think about memories, all of the ones I had with him. Times we both enjoyed, times I enjoyed because he wasn't and vice versa. I wanted more of them, and didn't want to settle for what I had.

Recovery Girl pulled the curtain aside and told me it was time to go back to the dorms. I had been there for 5 hours sitting there holding his hand. I thanked her then walked alone back to the dorms where everyone was already sitting in the common room. I looked away as Mina wrapped her arms around me carefully.

"I was so worried!" She exclaimed. "Are you alright, you seem upset, what happened?"

"N-nothing," I told her as my smile faltered. "Sorry, I have to finish our homework."

I slipped her off of me and went to my room turning my back to them. I let my fake smile go and opened the door to my room that felt like a sanctuary. I slung my bag off my arm and set it on my desk just to flop onto my bed. I held my pillow close to my stomach as the pain of losing my father closed in on me again.

I sat up and buried my face into the pillow to muffle the sounds of my cries. I wasn't going to let them hear me weep, if I did I would seem weak, something I didn't want. I wanted to scream out, everything has been taken from me. What did the world want from me? I had nothing to lose, everything was gone.

"Mistral?" Midoriya's soft voice called. "Can I come in?"

"No," I growled.

"Please, I'm sorry, I know what happened." He said, I went silent. "Let me in, please Mistral."

His voice sounded hurt and sad. Like I was. I looked over at the picture on my nightstand. It was a picture of all of us, even Nana, though everyone in the picture seemed blurry like a ghost except me. It didn't help any. I looked back over at the door and sighed.

"What?" I asked and he opened the door.

"Are you ok?" He asked, taking a step towards me. "I know it must be hard for you."

"No, I'm not ok, he was the last one, and now he's in a coma." I wiped my tears away with my sleeve. "And you have no clue how hard this is, I try not to bring it up but the slightest comment about my family or heritage gets me worked up, and that seems like that's the only thing that people care about. The only reason people like me or like All Might, you can even ask Shoto, is because we're related to heroes or we are a hero ourselves. The only way to get me into a school when I was younger was to tell the principal who my parents were, otherwise they didn't care about this quirkless little girl who had dreams far out of her reach that seemed impossible."

"But you made it, like me." He said, picking up my face. I pulled away immediately.

"I made it without a quirk, now all of that has changed and the people who know look at me like I'm the same." I growled. "You, Izuku have a quirk you're able to use, I don't but I do, do you know how confusing this is? Why did God choose me? Why was it me that had to go through all of this?"

He didn't say anything to me. I wasn't looking at him just at the ground heaving from everything I had just said. There was some type of glow in the room but I didn't pay much attention to it. I looked back up at his shocked, illuminated face that brought out his freckles. I looked past him at the mirror and saw that there was a pinkish 'X' across my forehead that radiated light.

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