Part 2

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"Wake up!" All Might yelled. "16th time's the charm, hurry up and get ready, I've got to get to school in about 30 minutes."

"What?" I asked. "You didn't think to wake me up sooner!?"

"No, hurry." He ordered, walking out of the room.

I grabbed my black skirt kimono and threw my purple, lotus flower haori over my shoulders making my hair even messier. It was my hero costume that I sewed myself for the physical exam that I never got to go to. I looked at the mask I had also made to go along with the design of the outfit, I grabbed it and put it around my neck.

I raked a brush through my hair then tied it back into a ponytail. I ran down the stairs and grabbed my sword. I sighed in relief thankful I hadn't misplaced it, the blocked it around my waist. I put on my high top All Stars then walked over to the window, it was darker than obsidian outside.

"What in the hell!" I yelped, turning to see All Might. "What is wrong with you?"

"I wouldn't have gotten you up if I didn't make up a propaganda." He told me. "Come get your food."

I groaned then walked over to the bar styled island where two pieces of toast laid on a plate. I glared at him angrily as he continued to arrange and grade papers from his classes. I finished my toast and walked over to the living room where the TV was on.

More nomus, I thought thinking back to the USJ attack. In Hosu, that seems like a hotspot for them all of a sudden. I looked at the sword encased in glass under the TV, my mothers. She used a sword along with her quirk. She was able to manipulate water, half the time she only used a hilt then used water as the metal, it worked well, even though nobody believed her.

"Come on, we actually have to go now." He told me, I got up and followed him out the door.

We got into the car and departed to U.A high school. Now, outside the sun was new but at least it wasn't 6:00 in the morning. I lived a ways away from U.A, because it took about forty minutes to get there.

After what felt like forever of driving, we finally arrived at the high school known for taking in students and outputting the best heroes the world had ever seen. I marveled at the giant sign that had gold letters that spelled the school's name. I smiled and got out of the car as soon as we parked.

"You're excited." All Might commented. "But there's about five hours until you battle Bakugou."

"Katsuki? You mean the guy that won the sports festival?" I asked, he nodded. "Where are we going?"

"I was going to show you around campus but, then again the 1-A class has been dying to meet you so if you stay in my classroom you can meet them." He said. "But, we have a field that you can practice in."

"That's alright, I wanna get to know at least one of the classes I'll be working with, it's no problem." I told him.

He nodded and led me into the big school. There was long twisting halls and long corridors lined with lockers and classrooms. There was four complete pillars to the school, one for each course. There was the hero course, support course, business course, or general studies. The school was run by heroes, the ones that don't own huge agencies and weren't high in the rankings.

He opened a huge wooden door then waved me inside. The room was empty except for the desks in it. I sat at one in the front that didn't have a nametag on it unlike the others. I took the sword's hilt and pulled it out of the sheath cutting the paper he'd thrown at me in half. I looked up at him with a disappointed expression.

"Very mature." I muttered. "Aren't you supposed to-"

"Morning All-" Someone started as they entered the room. "Whoa! Sorry, I didn't mean to barge in I thought-"

"No sweat, Young Midoriya." All Might told him. "I wanted to see if you could come in anyway. This is my daughter, Mistral."

"Midoriya," I hummed. "Nice to meet you."

"I'm happy we've gotten to meet." He said, shaking my hand politely. "Are you a new student?"

"Going to be, I hope." I muttered while putting my sword away.

"You have a super cool outfit, did you make it?" He asked.

"My mother started to, I finished it, it's my hero outfit, if I become a hero, she knew I would so I'm taking every chance I get." I told him with passion. "See those engravings?"

I pulled out my blade just enough so he could see the Japanese inscription on my orange blade. It said, 'We learn little from victory, much from defeat.' It was one the many pieces of advice my mother gave to me while teaching me swordsmanship. After every time I would fall down after she beat me in another sparring match she would tell me that then recap the battle showing me what I needed to work on.

"We learn little from victory, much from defeat." He read before I put it back into the sheath. "I don't get it, when you win you learn how bad-"

"When you win you think that you've done everything correctly and you are satisfied with the training you have." I told him. "When you are bested you understand that you need to train and work harder to become better."

"I see." He said taking a seat. "Because if a hero would beat a villain they think that there isn't another force that can destroy them and another villain would come up and defeat the hero."

"It means that you should never cease practicing." I elaborated. "Do you always over think small matters?"

"Yeah, most of th-" The green haired boy started.

A huge explosion came from the door, making me jump up from my seat. I pulled my sword out and pointed it at the on coming threat. I sighed once a blond haired school boy stepped out from the smoke. 

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