Part 21

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"Monama," I mumbled. "Leave me be, please."

"No, I want to walk with you, we don't have to talk, I just want to walk." He said, I sighed.

"We're going where I want," I told him.

He nodded and walked with me off campus into town. The streets were crowded and I was sure that some people recognized me since one guy looked at me then pointed me out to his friend. They both stared and nodded as I looked over at them, they had figured it out. They weren't the only ones who looked or stared but it was fine, I didn't care.

It took a while to get to the place I wanted to be but it was just as empty and quiet as ever. The sun was just setting, time flew by quickly since this morning, making the water a golden color. I smiled then let go of Monama's hand to go to the gazebo that stretched into the water. I leaned on the railing where it was directly pointed at the setting sun.

This was a highly memorable place for me, I came here often, it had been a while since I've been here though. I stared out at the water as Monama came up next to me leaning on the same railing. 

He watched as I hung my head to look at the water below. I saw our reflection in the golden water, him next to me, me next to him. I couldn't help but notice that he reminded me of my dad. His hair, eyes, kindness, and just his overall personality. I barely knew him though, I didn't know what it was but, it felt like I had known him for a lifetime.

"Are you alright?" He asked as a ripple appeared in the water.

I shook my head truthfully. "I'm scared, Monama. All Might, he's my last person, and I don't know what the LOV is going to do with him. H-he can't defend himself, what am I supposed to do? I can't just stand by and wait for them to get him back, I'm lost. I-i-."

He put his arms around me and pulled me into his chest. I buried my face in the crook of his neck, I couldn't help it. I put my hands on his shoulders, sure that I had squeezed them too hard. I was thankful for this, he was comforting someone who he barely knew, I can't say I wasn't confused.

"It'll be alright in the end," He told me. "I promise you that I'll be here whenever you need."

"Just don't leave me like they did, please." I sobbed.

"Of course," He said, pulling away from me and brushing hair out of my face.

I wasn't sure what I was thinking then but I knew I was confused and emotional. He caressed the side of my face with his hands then tilted his head, smiling sadly. I didn't know what was coursing through my mind but my eyes drifted down to his lips without realizing. His expression definitely changed but he, he let it happen.

It was after a moment of our lips touching that we both pulled away. I immediately looked away from his face and down at my hands on his chest. I rested my head on the base of his neck afraid to meet his eyes after what we had just done. He tucked some of my hair behind my ear and picked up my face so I was looking at him.

"You like me too?" He asked, my mouth opened and closed trying to find an answer.

"That's correct." I mumbled. "How you said it, do you-"

"Since we first met." He answered. "We should go back to the dorms. Come on."

I nodded.

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