Part 24

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My eyes widened as Dabi brought his hand that was engulfed in blue flame down to the rope holding my dad up. The crowd gasped as an air balloon that was filming the whole parade fell out of the sky. I knew that this was the absolute worst thing that the LOV could do, but I thought the USJ attack was bad, so I wasn't sure what their limit was anymore.

"Are you kidding me?" Kirishima growled. "These guys have some nerve."

I felt my blood start to boil. I agreed with Kirishima wholeheartedly, there was no way I was going to stand here though. I pulled out my sword then looked at Bakugou. He was glaring at the scene with pops coming from his both hands.

"Get me up there," I ordered, he looked at me like I was crazy. "Now dammit."

He exploded up into the sky grabbing my hand as he went, muttering to himself something I couldn't hear. We were flying quickly keeping the tears that started to fall in my eyes. Dabi smiled at us just before burning completely through the rope. I ripped my arm from Bakugou going into freefall after my father.

"Mistral!" He yelled. "Get yourself out of-"

"No! I've got to get you first." I told him, grabbing the strings around his arms and torso. "Bakugou!"

His explosions were just fast enough to try and grab me. I shoved All Might into his hands giving him a sorry look before turning to the approaching ground. There wasn't a way for Bakugou to get back from the ground back to me in time to save me but that didn't matter anymore. I knew, All Might was safe, then that would be the end, the last thing I would know, my dad was safe.

I relaxed my body, let go of my sword and thought one last thing, I'm coming mom and Lui. But, I wasn't. Something took control of my body, almost saying, no you aren't. I landed on top of a car injuring both of my ankles. I heard them crack when I landed on the top of the car, I didn't know if I would be able to continue fighting. I slipped off the roof of the car landing on my feet but almost falling over in pain.

"All Might!" I yelled, looking at him leaning against the building he just fell from.

Ignoring the pain in my ankles, I sprinted over to him, sliding on my knees getting next to him. I fumbled to grab his hand with both of mine. He was rugged, bleeding out of his mouth, had tired eyes, and was breathing heavily. As was I

"Hi, Misty," He muttered. "You alright?"

"How can I be alright?" I demanded. "I-i, I thought you were dead! I can't be alright thinking that you're with terrible people and I'll never see you again! The real question is if you're alright?"

"Yes, I'm fine, just need some rest." He said putting his hand on my head.

"No!" I yelled. "You can't go! Not yet! I'll figure something out! Dad, hold on!"

"Please, Mistral, trust me. It will be alright, just let me rest." He whispered.

"B-but, I can't just give up, you t-told me-" I started.

"It's fine to dream Mistral, but you have to consider if your dream is realistic." He told me.

"D-dad," I mumbled as my lip quivered.

Transfer me, the voice said. My eyes both went wide. I knew what it was talking about, it would be weird but it would work. I ripped out a strand of my hair and held it out to him.

"Try, please for me?" I asked, bowing my head.

He took the strand, I began to pray in hopes it would work. I didn't watch but just as I prayed All Might became his buff self again. He stood up, his smile not fading a single bit. He patted my head then looked over at the chaos of students and villains.

"Never fear!" He boomed, tuning his bolded face back to me. "Stay right here."

I watched as he flew off to the battle scene while keeping my footing. Monama rushed over to me then held me up so I wouldn't fall over. I sighed, feeling a sense of relief wash away all the anxiety build up from earlier.

"You alright, puppet?" He asked and I nodded. "Tell him about us yet?"

"No, I was paying attention to him," I told him. "Sorry. But I was caught in the moment."

"How did he do that?" He was looking at the battle.

"He must've gathered enough strength to turn into that." I answered, leaning into him. "But- move!"

I put my arms on his chest then pushed him out of the way of a bullet from a villain. I slashed my sword through the bullet, it felt like I was moving so fast everything was slow. I saw purple lightning start to glow around me as I shot at the villain, it made sense. I immediately immobilized the villain then handed him to a few police men, the same policemen I saw in Hosu. They gave me astonished looks 

That was stupid, who I thought was One For All told me. Why? I wondered, the voice went silent. You just showed that you have a quirk, it responded after a while. Great, I thought while walking back to Monama, what am I supposed to say? One For All went silent again. You know you're talking to a quirk right? It asked. Yes, I answered though it started to feel weird. Well I recommend saying nothing, just deny.

"Wow," Monama muttered. "You're fast, really fast."

"I've been working on speed," I told him.

"The purple lightning?" He asked, I shrugged.

"No c-clue," I said, rubbing the back of my neck. "Look at All Might though, he mustered just enough strength to help."

"Yeah, but he's going to get busted for it." Monama sighed, I nodded. "Come on, let's get you over to a safe spot."

"Sure," I mumbled.

I walked with Monama over to an alleyway where no one else was. He brought me deep into the alley assuring me that the further that we went the safer we'll be. I soon ripped my arms away after One For All persuaded me to, out of paranoia.

"We don't have to go this far, Neito." I told him, he only looked over his shoulder with a reassuring smile

"Yes we do," He growled, I grabbed my sword pointing it at him. "Listen Mistral, you weren't supposed to figure this out but, I promise I didn't want to do this but, I'm a little bit of a traitor."

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