Part 23

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I shot through the crowd to the door and busted through it to see nothing but Jiro and Bakugou standing in the common room. I looked back at the other people in the class that doubted me before grabbing the sheath to my sword and putting it away.

"Wow." I muttered under my breath. "Today has been very eventful, hasn't it?"

"Really eventful." Todoroki agreed. "Was it a portal?"

"Yeah," Jiro muttered. "At least we now know you are you."

"You're right. What did you tell her?" I asked. "Anything about plans, things that I really said, important things about All Might?"

"Well we were kinda formulating plan ideas." Kaminari answered, I turned to him.

"Kinda? Or were you left with a job, did it while she was here, and complete it without any gaps or mishaps?" I demanded, sighing came from Iida. "Is that a yes?"

"We should notify the adults, I'll run to the teacher's dormitory, everyone else stays here." Iida announced.

"Be careful, you have no idea if they're still on campus." I told him. "Don't let them get the drop on you."

"Right," He nodded.

I sighed and turned my back to the class that was speaking with one another. I went up to my room, ready to start breaking down again. If they had All Might they wouldn't hesitate to kill him let alone wait for him to wake up. I was afraid for him, afraid of losing him like everyone else. I'm only just starting to make friends, I'm already anxious and depressed, him being dead would only make things worse.

I held my pillow close to my chest looking across the room at the one picture of all of us. It was starting to kill me, I didn't know if he was awake, I didn't know if he was dead, I didn't- collect your thoughts, thinking too hard isn't going to change anything. I sighed then looked away from the photo and at the setting sun outside.

I opened my balcony door then leaned against the guard rail that kept me from jumping off the small platform. Suicide isn't a option either. I can say it now, that was not what I was thinking. Something had told me that, was someone in my mind? I had been thinking, jump, not, dying wasn't an option. I sighed resting my hands on my forehead looking at the ground below.

"Hey! Extra what are you doing?" Bakugou ordered from the balcony over.

"Minding my business." I growled, turning away from him. "The hell do you care?"

"What type of question is that?" He demanded.

"Let me break it down for you, why, do, you, care?" I asked slowly,annoying him.

"I want to know, All Might's important to me too you know!" He yelled, I looked over at him.

"You still have friends, you still have family, after him it's just me." I growled as tears streamed down my face. "I'm scared nothing will go well, nothing has gone well, just my luck."

I went back into my room ignoring whatever else he had to say to me. He didn't get it just as well as I did, he had no idea, why would he know, how would he know, how would any of them know?

The next few weeks went by fast. I found myself always alone unless Monama and I were just sitting on a park bench or something. All the students had been excused from school while the teachers assessed the damage and had a bunch of meetings with each other. Students were given a curfew and a doctor that would check the injuries if there were any.

No one from my class tried to speak to me but I was thankful for it since I didn't want to talk to anyone except Monama. Monama was being really nice to me, he would just listen to me when I needed to vent and it was nice. He was always there so he was the only one I talked to besides the doctor that had to come every day.

My injuries still hurt and were growing noticeably, especially my arm. It looked like cracks in drywall and it hurt like Shigaraki had touched me with all five of his fingers. There was no point in covering the wound, it was still growing and four days after the incident it still hurt just the same as it did when Shigaraki inflicted the damage.

We had to still work on the Hero Day float since Nezu thought it would lift our spirits after the school burned down. I had worked on it as much as my doctor recommended which was only a few days out of the two months we had. After every day that passed and I didn't see All Might, I lost hope more and more.

"Mistral," I heard Midoriya say from the other side of the door. "How are you doing?"

"Fine, Deku." I growled, sitting up on my bed. "Is it time to go to the parade?"

"Yeah," He said, looking at all the bandages I had. "Here."

He put his fingers on the corners of my lips and curved them upward to make it seem like I was smiling. It ended up making me smile a little, without his help.

"Thanks." I mumbled.

He walked next to me out to the excited class who were all chattering about the parade and how awesome it would be. I didn't want to ruin it for them so I smiled along and acted as if I was excited too. Denki drove us all into the heart of Musutafu while we cheered on the trailer that held our amazing giant pistol that was going to fire a firework at the end of the parade.

"We've got the best float!" Bakugou yelled to the other people from U.A.

"Get us to the front Denki!" Mina yelped.

"I'm trying!" He shouted.

I chuckled, glad that they were able to have fun even if terrible crap was happening to them. I couldn't do it, especially knowing All Might wasn't safe.I couldn't do it, especially knowing All Might wasn't safe. I cheered and showed as much spirit as I could looking at everyone in the crowd.

"Mistral Yagi!" I heard someone yell.

I looked throughout the streets looking for the source of the voice. Only Midoriya and I heard the noise and both looked around the straight then at each other. His eyes widened as he looked above me at a building behind me, I turned to look at it.

There, on top of the tallest building in sight were two men. One dangling off the edge off a rope, and the other holding the rope with a blue light from his other hand. I knew exactly who each person was, and the one dangling was awake. 

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