Part 6

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I woke up to the sound of talking down stairs. I was a little paranoid from what happened the night before so I grabbed my sword without a second thought. I walked down stairs rubbing my eyes, sure whatever it was, was nothing. I looked at the door where All Might and Aizawa stood outside. I sighed in relief and waited for All Might to come back inside while sitting on the couch.

"Hey kiddo, I've got news." He told me while shutting the door. "First, I'm not pleased that you snuck out last night, but I suppose the reason was fine."

I rubbed the back of my neck, do I lie or not? I wondered, I had snuck out many more times before last night so I wasn't going to say anything. I knew he didn't want me to, he even specified after a dinner when we got into a little argument, but that made me want to do it even more so I did, more and more.

"Second, Midoriya told Aizawa that you saved him last night, he wouldn't give me the details." All Might muttered.

I chuckled nervously. I hadn't really saved him, I dragged him into the mess so I just helped him out of it. I was only doing what I should've, there was nothing important about that. I was doing what I thought was right and what should've been done.

"Third, I want to tell you that I'm really proud of you, for being the first quirkless person to get into U.A."

I looked at myself in the mirror after I changed into my new uniform from UA. I fluffed out the skirt, it wasn't ideal but I had no choice. I was over the moon excited for today, my first day at U.A. high school, the most popular high school in the world.

I took a deep breath then grabbed my sword to rush down stairs with excitement in every step. I couldn't get it off my mind, I was so thankful that Midoriya reported me to Aizawa. If he didn't, I wouldn't be walking through those gates this morning with my dad.

I fidgeted with the hilt of my sword, wiggling it to hit the side of the case. I stood in front of my new classroom door next to All Might nervously. I thought about all the possibilities that could happen after I stepped through the door. Work, training, the boy who told me I couldn't, those were all things that would try to get in my way. I can do this, I will do this.

"Go on in," All Might said, nudging my shoulder. "I promise you, you're welcome in that class room."

"Not in Bakugou's eyes," I muttered. "I'll see you later, bye."

"No kiss goodbye?" He asked with a smug smile on his face. "Fine, cya."

I took a deep breath then pulled open the door. I took a step inside then looked directly at Midoriya, who had a wide smile on his face. I turned my attention to Aizawa who was sitting at his desk grading papers. He turned his head towards me, I couldn't read his expression.

"Your dad isn't happy is he?" Aizawa asked, holding a paper out to me. "Well too bad, make sure he signs this later so you can stay at the dorms, everything else he's agreed to."

"Got it sir." I said taking the paper from him.

"Why the hell is she here?!" Bakugou demanded. "I won that battle fair and square, that princess shouldn't be here! She's quirkless!"

"And I control this class, sit down." Aizawa growled. "As some of you may know, this is Mistral Yagi, the daughter of All Might, she'll be joining this class until you all graduate. She is the first quirkless person to attend U.A's hero course."

"Woah!" Someone in the class exclaimed. "That's so cool!"

"What does she do to replace the vacancy of her not having a quirk?" A bird-like boy asked.

"I'll show you," I said, pulling my sword out and extending my arm. "My sword, it's made out of chromium, copper, and titanium, almost impossible to break."

I looked at the almost astonished class then at Bakugou who was glaring at me with an angry look that spelled out 'I'll crush you". I sighed then resheathed my sword, looking down at the ground. I looked back up a second later and found that an empty seat was next to Midoriya. I reshouldered my bag then walked to the desk next to his, he looked up at me with a gleeful smile.

"Thank you," I whispered, sitting down next to him. "If it weren't for you I wouldn't be here now."

"You have nobody but yourself to thank," He told me. "You're the one who saved me."

"But you were the one who reported me to Aizawa." I said. "That was your choice to, if you-"

"Do you always over think these matters?" He asked, shutting me up.

I looked away from him with a slight smile. I was glad he forced me to take the blame, I guess it really was my doing but, I knew it was more than that. I wasn't able to place my finger on why he would tell Aizawa, I didn't know him, he didn't know me, why would he care?

I sighed then pulled out a piece of line paper like Aizawa instructed so he could start class. I paid close attention to what he taught along with the few thoughts I had about Midoriya and the new class I was in. I was never in an actual class before, I was always homeschooled, so I wasn't the best at social interaction. The only kid that I had really spoken to was my younger brother, by four years, Lui.

I had a handful of memories of Lui, when we trained together, when we played together, we were almost inseparable until that one damn day. He was 5 when he died, also All For One's fault. He had a quirk like my mothers, but we knew little about it so I wasn't exactly sure how it worked.

The morning of class went quickly. We had math, history, geography, and ELA then lunch. I didn't bother going to the lunch room, I went directly to my father's office in stead.

I knocked on the door then immediately walked into All Might doing absolutely nothing.

"Hey, Misty." He said leaning on his desk. "What do you need?"

"I didn't feel like going to the lunch room." I told him. "I didn't feel like eating either."

"That would make both of us, you nervous for training?" He asked. "I'm sure you are, Aizawa is planning to put you up against Bakugou again."

"Good." I blurted. "I wanted a rematch anyway."

"I'm scared this time he won't hold back, yesterday he waited to fire the big explosion." He told me. "The best way to beat him is to stay in close range, don't give him time to think, don't give him space to move either that'll give you an advantage."

"Right," I said thinking about yesterday. "I'm going to go have Recovery Girl check my wounds, I'll see you after training."

"Good luck." He wished.

I walked out of the room then to Recovery Girl who wasn't busy with anyone. She checked the injuries I had sustained yesterday and gave me the 'ok' to participate in training. I thanked her then walked to the changing rooms where I changed back into my hero outfit I fixed last night after waking up for no reason.

I placed my mask on the side of my face then looked at myself in the mirror. I took a deep breath as I heard the noise of others coming into the changing room. I looked over my shoulder at my classmates who were at their lockers. I didn't bother speaking to them, I didn't need to talk to them.

I left the room then went to where Aizawa was standing with the other half of my class. They were all talking to each other, even Midoriya who was talking with Iida and Todoroki. I stood alone, just waiting and glancing over at Bakugou every so often. He was wearing the same thing as I saw him in yesterday. His obnoxious grenade themed hero outfit completing his explosive look.

"Alright class!" Aizawa yelled. "We're working with partners today, against 1-B. First pair, Momo and Jiro. Second Tokoyami and Sero..."

He listed off the groups quickly then the partners stood next to each other. Once at least 9 groups were called only two people stood apart from another person. I wanted to deny it but couldn't, when life gives you lemons you have to make lemonade. Oh yeah my partner, his name was Katsuki Bakugou.

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