Part 9

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"You could get sick, I didn't want to let that happen." He said as I looked back at my feet. "Here, you're shivering."

Monama put the umbrella in my hand and took his jacket off and placed it around my shoulders. I smirked as he did so, a little embarrassed since there were many people around. He gave a large smile as I looked up at him with thankful eyes. I moved closer to him since he was out in the open, getting hit by rain.

"Thanks," I mumbled. 

"No problem, I should take you to my dorm though, yours is another 13 away I think." He said looking ahead.

"But my dad-"

"Just send him a text, I'm sure he won't mind." He told me. "He'll get why too, the rain isn't something he'd want his daughter to be in."

"I guess you're right, Monama." I said, putting my hand in my pocket.

I walked with him to the 1-B dorms in the rain that made a consistent sound getting stuck in my head. He led me up to his room that was a lot like any teenage boy's room would look like. Like mine, there were cream colored walls and normal wooden dressers. He had a full sized bed that made the area a little cramped since there was a futon couch on the other wall opposite of his bed.

"I say you text your dad now, make yourself at home." Monama recommended gesturing to the futon.

I sat on the couch then looked down at my phone to text my dad. I zoned into the conversation that All Might started which ended when I told him where I was. I looked back up at Monama but was met with his shirtless back while he searched his drawers for a shirt.

I noticed there were cuts and bruises all across his back that seemed to be painful. I couldn't help but feel sympathetic for him, I could see the littlest part of his face that kept contorting in pain. I reached into my school bag and pulled out an extra role of ace rap that Mina gave me earlier.

"Monama, you look-"

"In pain? A little honestly but it's fine." He said, I showed him the bandages. "Would you be so kind?"

"I was going to anyway," I told him, standing up. "My mother taught me this, like everything else I know, hold still."

I wrapped his entire back with the bandages in attempts to make him hurt less. I finished near where his pecs were and tried to control the redness on my face the best I could but I don't think I was successful. I looked back up to him and smiled nervously, I wasn't sure if I did a good job or not.

"How does that feel?" I asked him, taking a step away from him.

"Better," He smiled. "Thanks, your mom must know a lot."

"She did," I said sitting back on the couch while he put on a black shirt. "I've never actually done that on someone, I'm glad it worked."

He nodded then went back to searching his room for something. I went back to texting my dad who was just asking random questions about my day. I answered him while tucking knees towards my chest. I rested my head on the top of my knees and started to think. I hadn't been away from home, ever really so I had never been away from my dad. It was weird, I never thought I'd miss him, the longest I'd been away from him was only 2 hours, now it had been almost the whole day. I was feeling off, what was he thinking? Does he want me home? Thoughts like that spun around my head.

"You got something on your mind Mistral?" He asked, sitting on the other end of the couch. "You seem to be upset."

"No, well, I'm not sure but I feel off." I told him, he raised an eyebrow at me. "I've never been out of the house, with permission, and this long, what if something happens to All Might? What happens if I-"

"You call your dad All Might instead of dad?" He asked.

"Habit, I've had to join him on patrols often so I can't use anything along the lines of a personal name." I told him.

"Well I'm sure All Might'll be fine, he was the number one hero for 26 years after all." He reassured me. "It's eight o'clock, maybe we should hit the hay."

"Yeah, you're right." I agreed as he got on his bed. "Night Monama. Thank you again."

He was already asleep. I lightly chuckled then laid down on his futon couch trying to go to sleep as well but couldn't. I looked up at the ceiling for most of the night, until 10 when I officially fell asleep. Though it was uncommon, my mind decided to take me on a trip.

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