How It Started

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It was an ordinary day for me, scrolling on my phone - checking on my social media account. Nothing's new!

I'm so bored scrolling on Facebook checking on my friends' new update. But got interested in posts from BBM-SARAH Team. Yep! You got it right. This time is during the campaign period. January 2022.

I did some research about BBM, from Google and other stuff. Then I got to Youtube and saw his Vlogs from 2016 until the latest. And this is the very first time na nakilala ko ang family nya. Well aside from Mrs Imelda and Marcos Sr. of course but not his wife and sons.

I didn't notice myself that I was smiling and really got interested in them watching their videos.

Vinny is cute, Simon is mysterious and of course Sandro is very serious. A very well known family, but all you can see is happiness in their eyes because their family bond is so strong despite of all the challenges they've been through because of their surname.

After watching the Vlogs, I saw that there's a lot of fan made videos and povs on Titkok about the Marcoses. How cool and creative these Filipinos are. And many are loving them, really!

Note: This is reality if you would ask. This really happens to me.

To be continued...

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