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It's almost 9pm. I feel so tired from work today but still can't sleep. Sam is not yet home. I'm worried sick since the rain is hard. Where did that girl go?

I changed clothes and quickly got into my car. I stop in front of the guards.

Sandro: I'll drive, I just need to look for something.

They just nod and open the gate for me. I don't know where to go but I need to find her. It's getting late and I don't believe that she needs to go somewhere.

I'm having a hard time looking around since the rain is so hard. Almost zero visibility. I remembered that a typhoon will landfall tonight. Damn it! Where are you Samantha?

I'm about to call someone when I see a familiar figure. What is she doing near the capitol? She's dripping wet. I quickly maneuvered and got out of the car to fetch her.

Sandro: Hey! Where have you been? Basang basa ka!

She just stares at me.

Sam: S-sandro?

Sandro: What has got into you?! Damn it Samantha!

She's crying. I helped her stand and carried her to the car.

Sandro: Tell me what happened? Are you alright?

She's sobbing. I get some tissue and help her wipe her tears. Now I can smell alcohol.

Sandro: Are you drunk?

She did not answer and continues to cry. I drove as fast as I could and we reached home in no time. I assisted her to go inside the house. I helped her sit in the dining room and I'm about to get her a glass of water when a loud thunder strikes.

Sam: Ahhhhhhh!!!!!!!

Sam shouted and covered her ears. She quickly ran towards me. She grabbed my arm and hugged me so tight. Another thunder strikes and she shouted for the second time. She is scared and I felt her body was trembling. Now she's crying her eyes out.

I can feel her grip on my shirt while hugging me so I hugged her back. What is happening to her? She feel so scared.

Sam: P-please. D-Don't let me go. I-I'm scared. P-please.

Sandro: I will never let you go. I'm here. Come on, let's go to your room. I'll help you change.

I was busy checking her clothes in the closet and she was standing beside me holding on my shirt. If we were in a normal situation most likely I will laugh at her for behaving like this. But this one is different, she's drunk and I don't know but I never know that she's afraid of thunder until now. It's making her crazy.

I gave her the clothes to change but she just stares at me.

Sandro: You want me to help you?

Sam: N-no.

Sandro: You need to change, basa ka.

Sam: I don't want to be alone.

I took a deep breath.

Sandro: Fine. Change your clothes I'll stay here sa tabi mo. Tatalikod ako. Okay?

She nodded. Very masunurin kapag lasing. I turn my back at her and I can feel that she's removing her clothes. Suddenly, another thunder strikes and the power went out.

Sam: Sandroooooooo!!!!!!!!

She quickly grabbed and hugged me from the back. Damn it! She's naked! I can feel her body touching my back. Calm down Sandro you have to control yourself. She needs you. I can't move. Good thing after a few minutes the power went back on.

I slowly turn around to face her, she's still hugging me with her eyes closed. I hug her back and kissed her forehead.

Sandro: Calm down I'm here. You have to move, may kuryente na.

She slowly opens her eyes and looks at me. I bet she realized our position, she quickly grab her towel to cover herself. I can see that she's only wearing her undergarments.

I turn my back at her again so she finish undressing her self.

Sandro: Let me know once your done.

Sam: I'm ok.

I look at her and she's wearing a big shirt with her panties on. No bra, no shorts. Damn it Samantha! Why are you doing this?! I was staring at her sexy legs. I gulped and was stunned for a moment. She moved closer to me and look at me straight in the eyes. I saw her smiling. This girl is really drunk.

Sam: Sandro.....

I just stare at her waiting for her next statement.

Sam: P-please stay here. I'm scared.

Sandro: Let's go to my room. You'll be more comfortable.

She nodded. We went to my room and holding each other's hand. I really don't know what is happening. I help her sit on my bed and she's watching me while I change my shirt.

After changing I sit beside her.

Sandro: You'll have a hangover tomorrow for sure. What happen Sam?

Sam: N-nothing.

Sandro: You're drunk. Sabi mo may pupuntahan ka lang? Wala ka namang kilala dito. Tell me what happened.

She shook her head and look down.

Sam: Nothing important. Can we sleep?

Sandro: Alright. Go to sleep, I'll watch you.

Sam: Please don't leave me.

Sandro: I promise.

I tuck her in bed and watch her sleep. I'm caressing her hair and didn't notice that I fell asleep.

I was awakened when I heard a loud scream. I looked at Sam beside me and I believe that she's having a nightmare. I quickly responded to her and wake her up.

Sandro: Sam, wake up. Sam you're having a nightmare.

She's cold but she's sweating.

Sandro: Hey hey Sam. Please wake up.

I slightly tapped her cheeks and good thing she woke up. She hugged me when she saw me so I hug her back. This is strange. There must be something wrong with her. Hindi naman sya ganito dati.

Sam: I'm sorry.

Sandro: What do you mean? You don't have to be sorry. You're having a nightmare.

Sam: Can you hug me too? Please? I'm scared.

Sandro: I'm here. Tell me, san ka ba natatakot?

She didn't answer but I can feel that her hug is getting tighter.

Sandro: Come on, let's go to sleep. You have to rest.

She nodded and I lay beside her. I wish to be with her but not like this.

What is going on?


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