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* Two days before the wedding


I was in the study room together with my family. Dad, Mom, Simon, Vinny and Mama Meldy. While Samantha is still in our room, sleeping.

Liza: The wedding is in two days. What's the plan?

Bong: Do you need any help?

Sandro: Mom, Dad, everything has been taken care of.

Mama Meldy: Are you sure?

Sandro: Yes, Mama Meldy. I promise. Hoping that everything is going to be perfect.

Vinny: That's for sure, Sands.

Simon: How's Samantha and the twins?

Sandro: They're both healthy and doing fine. What's with the meeting this early?

Liza: Nothing. We just wanted to see you before the wedding. I can't believe time flies so fast. Now you're getting married!

Bong: Ah! I've seen this before.

My mom hugs me and dad handed her a tissue.

Mama Meldy: Congratulations to you, Apo.

Sandro: Thank you Mama Meldy.

Simon: So where's the wedding?

Vinny: Yeah, right. I'm about to ask the same question.

Sandro: In Saud Beach. But.

Bong: But what?

Sandro: Samantha doesn't know any details about the wedding.

Liza: What do you mean?

Sandro: She said she wanted it to be a surprise, so she doesn't ask about the details. Actually, she just wanted to wear a dress and make it as simple as we can.

Simon: And you've done it?

Sandro: Uhmmmm. Sort of. But I still choose a gown for her instead of a simple dress. I want her to stand out. Well, I can assure you guys that the wedding is simple.

Vinny: For sure Sam will be happy.

Simon: Is that her dream wedding?

Sandro: She just said that she wanted a simple wedding. Kahit saang lugar, kahit walang bisita and walang handa. Ang importante maikasal kami.

Mama Meldy: She truly loves you, Apo.

Liza: Mama Meldy is right.

Bong: Well, your mom and mama Meldy love her.

Simon: Pops, actually the whole family loves her.

Vinny: I agree.

Bong: Are you going to meet her family?

Sandro: Oh yes. I'll be meeting them and ihahatid ko sila sa hotel.

Liza: Kami na muna ang bahala dito. Please bring Athena when you come back.

Sandro: I will mom. Bye everyone!

Bong: Take care! 

I went upstairs and gave my wife a soft kiss on her head. I don't wanna wake her up, so I'll just send her a message that I will be with her family.

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