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I was on my phone when a black van stopped in front of me.

To my surprise, a masked man opened the door and I saw a gun pointed at me.

I was stunned and couldn't move an inch.

I just raised my both hands.

"Sandro, please help me." I said at the back of my mind.

Three of the masked men came out from the van, one slapped me hard in the face. Now I can taste blood in my mouth. They held me in my arm and I can feel their strong grip.

They tried to pull me inside the van. But then my bodyguards showed up out of nowhere.

I saw them pointing guns at the masked men and ready to shoot anytime.

One assisted me to move away from the scene.

I was terrified and don't know what to do. I'm trying not to cry.

I saw people looking at the scene and staring at me.

I ducked when I heard a gun shot. I couldn't move. That's where my tears began to fall.


I received an emergency call.

Sandro: Tito I have to go, it's urgent.

Martin: Alright, actually it's already late. You can go now.

People in the congress are greeting me but I don't have time and I just passed through them.

I rushed to my car.

Sandro: Manong, paki bilis. We have to be there as soon as possible.

I received a phone call from Sam's bodyguard that there was an incident that happened in Makati. I haven't got the full details yet but my girl is involved. I can't help but to feel furious and scared at the same time.

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