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It was already late at night pero were still at the party. Team Marcos and the staff are celebrating another success. I'm happy to see them like this, especially Sandro. They all deserve this after their hard work.

I was just sitting and drinking a glass of wine while watching them at the stage holding their mugs of beer. Ang kukulit! Palibhasa mga naka-inom na.

But then I saw them calling me on stage, I just raised my glass to toast with them from afar but Gov Matt approached me and picked me up from my seat.

Matt: Come on, you are now part of this team.

Sam: Haha! Ok ok, I can't say no right?

Matt: Haha yes, you got it right.

Sandro held my hand and helped me come up the stage. Then he wraps his arms on my hips and I smile at him and he whispers in my ears.

Sandro: Thank you Love. I can't do this without you.

Sam: Haha! Cheesy! I'm just your secretary noh! Whatever you tell me gagawin ko.

Sandro: Best team work right?

Sam: You're right! Ang pungay na ng mata mo, tama na kaya? Nakailang mug ka na ba ng beer?

Sandro: I lost count. Let's just enjoy this.

Matt was holding the microphone and I heard him called my name. I haven't been paying attention since Sandro and I are talking.

Sam: Yes Gov I'm sorry?

Matt: Can you sing a song for us?

The people on this place was cheering for me when they heard what Matt requested.

He handed me the microphone and yeah I was on the spot. Team Marcos went down the stage and went to their seats. Sandro just winked at me.

So I started a simple introduction while thinking what song should I play.

Sam: Hello po good evening Team Marcos! Are you guys enjoying the night?

Crowd: Yeeeees!!!

Staffs: Go miss Sam! Wohooo!!!

I quickly went to the person assigned with the sound system and requested a song.

Sam: This song is for you guys.

The music started and they give me a round of applause. I smiled at them and do a curtsy before I sing.


Panalangin ko sa habang buhay
Makapiling ka makasama ka
Yan ang panalangin ko

At hindi papayag ang pusong ito
Mawala ka sa 'king piling
Mahal ko iyong dinggin

Wala nang iba pang mas mahalaga
Sa tamis na dulot ng pag-ibig natin dalawa
At sana nama'y makikinig ka
Kapag aking sabihing minamahal kita

Day Dreamer (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now