Countdown 2

337 23 4

* 1 day before the wedding


This is the nth time that I've been to Ilocos. The place is really breathtaking especially the beaches. Thanks to tito Sandro for being so generous, he is the reason kung bakit at paano ako nakaka-punta dito.

We were on our way to Marcos' place together with my tito and tita to attend a small gathering. Tomorrow is my mom and tito Sandro's wedding. I can't wait to see them, I miss them so much.

Ranni: Athena, parang ang lalim ng iniisip mo.

Athena: No tita. I just miss mommy and tito Sandro. I'm excited to see them.

Ranni: How do you feel that you're about to have two younger siblings?

Athena: Believe me tita, I'm so happy.

Ranni: And you're still calling Sandro, tito?

Athena: Should I start calling him dad?

Ranni: Well, it's actually up to you kung saan ka komportable. You know your tito Sandro, he's very kind and for sure hindi ka nya pipilitin sa bagay na ayaw mo.

Athena: You're right tita. He's so patient to me and he treats me like his own daughter. I appreciate that, so much. Even his parents are warmhearted.

Ranni: They love you for sure.

Athena: And I love them too.

Ranni: Let's go. I think were here.

Tita Ranni held to my arms as we go out of the car.  The house is so big like the other one in Makati. Well, the Marcoses are filthy rich kahit hindi ata sila magtrabaho hindi mauubos ang pera nila.

Mama Liza greeted and welcome us. Then I saw tito Simon and Vinny too. I wonder where the president is? Hmmm. Most likely he was busy, yeah.

Liza: Hi! Welcome to Ilocos! How's your trip?

Ranni: Ok naman po, thanks to your family po it's an easy travel.

Marcus: Hello po good afternoon.

Liza: Oh come! Pasok kayo! Lunch is about to serve. Sorry ako lang ang sumalubong sainyo, I have here Simon and Vinny. Bong and Sandro is currently in a zoom meeting.

Athena: Mama Liza, where's mommy po?

Liza: She's upstairs princess. Your mommy has morning sickness kasi. I think she took a nap.

They still call me princess! I don't know how to feel pero nakaka-touch.

Vinny: Hi princess! We missed you! How are you?

Simon: Long time no see, how's your study?

See? They still call me that, I'm not a princess, it's not my name too.

Athena: I missed you too mga tito. I'm good po.

Vinny: You're a lady na! Do you have a boyfiend na? Baka maunahan mo pa si Simon.

Simon: Funny Vinny!

Athena: Haha! That's not gonna happen po.

Simon: Are you excited with the wedding?

Athena: Oh yes po!

Vinny: For sure ang ganda-ganda mo bukas.

Simon: That's for sure.

I left tita Ranni and tito Marcus to Mama Liza. We were busy talking when I saw tito Sandro and mommy going downstairs.

Sandro: Hi princess!

Athena: Tito Sandro!

I walked towards him and hug him. Then I gave my mom a kiss on her cheeks.

Sam: I miss you baby.

Athena: I missed you both.

Sandro: How's your school?

Athena: School is okay.

Sandro: Can we talk sa study room?

Athena: P-po?

Sandro: I just need to talk to you. Don't worry your mom is coming with us.

Athena: Okay po.

I felt nervous. What's going on? I mean we normally talk and have some conversation but never in the study room.

I just follow them and I sat beside my mom on the couch. Tito Sandro took a brown envelop on his table and walk towards us. Then he handed it to me.

Athena: What's this po?

Sandro: Open it and take your time reading it.

I slowly open it and I was confused. It's my birth certificate. I carefully read it and.... and..... I looked at my mom and tito Sandro  and they are both smiling at me. My mouth formed an "o" in disbelief. I feel like crying.

Sandro: Say something princess.

Athena: I-i don't know what to say. D-do you know about this mom?

Sam: Yes baby.

I looked at the paper once again.

Athena: A-athena Cruz Marcos?

Sandro: I'm sorry. I should have asked you first before doing it. Hindi mo ba nagustuhan?

Athena: Is this legal? This is legal right?!

Sandro: Yes. It's all legal.

Athena: Tito Sandro.

I stared at him and cry. I'm an official Marcos! He adopted me! I ran to him and gave him a warm embrace. Of course he hugged me back and caressed my hair.

Athena: I-i like it! I love it! Oh my gahd! Thank you! Thank you Dad!

Sandro: W-what did you just call me?

Athena: Dad! Thank you! I finally belong to this family!

His hug becomes tighter.

Sandro: You always belong to this family, Athena. Simula pa lang. Hindi lang ang mommy mo ang magiging Marcos, ikaw rin.

Athena: Thank you! Thank you po for treating me like your own daughter!

Sandro: You are my daughter. Always remember that.

Sam: Sandro has another surprise to you.

I remove myself from hugging him and wipe my tears.

Athena: M-meron pa?

Sam: Tell her, Love.

Sandro: Well. This time I will give you two choices.

Athena: What was it?

Sandro: Either you stay in Manila or go to New York for your studies.

Athena: New York?!

Sandro: Yep. Up to you, princess.

Athena: Should I give you my answer now? Can I think about it first?

Sandro: Of course! You have a year to prepare yourself.

Athena: Thank you talaga tito- I mean dad!

Sandro: Well, say thanks to your mom too. She will be supporting your studies too!

Athena: Thank you mommy, thank you dad so much! I love you both! I'm excited for the wedding tomorrow.

Sam: We love you too, baby.

Athena: Can I go downstairs na? I want to tell them that I'm already a Marcos!

Sandro: Haha! Of course, go ahead. Please be careful on going downstairs okay?

Athena: Yes dad! Bye!


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