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Sandro: What do you mean wala?! She texted me na pupunta sya dito for her review. Dito nyo sya hinatid di ba?

PSG: Sir Sandro, hindi po namin sya hinatid kanina.

Sandro: A-ano?!

PSG: Hindi po sya dumaan samin kanina. Sinubukan po namin sya hanapin kanina sa loob ng Kongreso dahil alam po namin na may pasok sya, pero wala daw pong nakakita sa kanya na lumabas.

Sandro: Damn it! Let's go home.

This is the fcking nth time that I am dialing Samantha's number but she's not answering my calls. I texted her but she's not responding to my messages. I'm just hoping that she just headed home early.

I suddenly felt guilty. I did not see her when she texted me na she has to go and we even had a misunderstanding earlier. I admit, I always feel jealous every single time when she's talking to a guy. And the thought that she lived with my brothers before sa NY.

Oh God. Please tell me that my girl is somewhere safe.


I woke up in an unfamiliar room. Where am I? What the hell happened? I cursed when I remembered that someone put something in my nose and everything went blank.

Am I being kidnapped? But I am free to move and whoever got me put me in a comfortable bed. I stood up and opened the curtains. I'm still in the city. The view from this floor is breathtaking. I'm pretty sure that I'm in someone's condo. I get back to bed and sit. I'll just wait to see whoever brought me here.

I tried to look around the room to check where my belongings were, when someone entered the room.

Sam: Why did you bring me here Z?!

Zeus: I just wanted to talk.

Sam: Talk? You kidnapped me!

Zeus: This is the only way I know how I can talk to you in private.

Sam: Wala naman tayong dapat pag-usapan. Where's my phone?!

I quickly ran to the door para makatakas but he held my arm.

Zeus: Where do you think you're going?

Sam: Let me go Zeus!

His grip tightened. He pinned me on the wall and about to kiss me but I slapped him.

Zeus: Damn it Simmy. Ang bilis talaga ng kamay mo.

Sam: Don't you dare kiss me. You already held me with your filthy hands.

Zeus: Hindi lang naman halik ang gusto ko Sim.

He caressed my face and lustfully stared at me.

Sam: Tangina mo Zeus! Bastos ka talaga!

Zeus: Hey, don't curse. Hindi bagay sayo.

Sam: I don't care. Let me go!

I tried to push him hard but he didn't move an inch. Damn this guy!

Sam: Ano bang gusto mo?

Zeus: Ikaw. Ikaw ang gusto ko.

Sam: Kapag nalaman ni Sandro tong ginawa mo I swear! Mawawalan ka ng career and you will be blocked in all agencies!

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