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I went back to her room and opened the door. She was surprised. I walked towards her and embrace her. Then I kissed her lips. She's trying to push me but I'm not letting her go. I cupped one of her breast and I heard her moan. She opens her mouth and I slide my tongue inside. Now she's kissing me back and it deepened.

I went down to kiss her neck and she continues her moan.

Sam: S-sandro.

Sandro: Yes love?

I answered between my kisses.

Sam: Stop.

I went back to her lips and kiss her. Now were staring at each other. No one is moving. The room is so quiet and all we can hear is the sound of the rain on the roof.

She touched my hair, my eyebrows and my nose, then my cheeks and pinch it.

Sandro: Aw.

Sam: This is not a dream. You are real.

Sandro: Yes I am.

I carry her and went to my bedroom. I put her down beside my bed. I kissed her forehead, then her lips down to her neck leaving love bites.

Sam: Uhmmm.

Sandro: Keep on moaning Love, you're starting to make me crazy.

I helped her removed her shirt and I kissed her shoulders. I moved to her breast and give her another set of love bites. I place my hand on her back and unhook her bra. Now I can see everything. I cupped her breast and suck her nips.

Sam: Sandr-o.

Sandro: You're so sweet Love. I'll make you mine. AGAiN.

Sam: Uhmmm.

Sandro: Should I make you pregnant this time?

Sam: W-whut?

Sandro: Shhh. Stay still. I missed you. I miss you so much. Do you want this?

I moved down and sucked another nipple while my other hand is cupping her breast.

Sam: S-sandro. Uhmmm.

Sandro: Go on Love.

Sam: I love you.

Sandro: Really? Are you sure?

Sam: Y-yes.

I removed my shirt. I pushed her on the wall and pinned her. I kneel in front of her and slowly removed her underwear.

I stood up and kissed her.

Sandro: You want this?

Sam: Y-yes.

Sandro: You're so cute. Still shy every time I see you naked? This is not the first time right?

She just shook her head.

Sandro: Right.

Sam: Stop teasing me.

Sandro: Face the wall Love.

She moved around and I divided her legs then I slowly thrust inside her.

Sandro: Ahh shit!

Sam: Uhhmmm.

Sandro: Love you're so tight.  Damn it!

Sam: Ahh.

Sandro: Does it hurt?

Sam: Uhm-hmm.

Sandro: I'm sorry.

I kissed her head and started to thrust faster.

Day Dreamer (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now