Wedding Reception

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Seeing my family this happy is priceless, especially Sandro and Samantha. They really look good together. I just shook my head. I thought I liked her before, but maybe I'm just confused with my feelings because I want to protect her. I don't know. Maybe until now, naguguluhan pa rin ako.

I took a sip of wine in my glass when the host announced that Samantha is about to throw her bouquet. So whoever catches it, they will be the next one who's going to get married.

Everyone was cheering. The girls started to fall in line at the back of the bride, Samantha started to throw the flowers and it landed to.......


Damn it?! What is she doing here?! Oh yeah, I mean, Sandro's friends are invited. I took another sip of my wine and quickly stood up from my seat.

I saw how mom, dad, Vinny and Sandro changed their mood. The smile on Samantha's face suddenly disappears.

Lex put the flowers in the air like she won a prize. Her friends grab her and move her away from the crowd. I have no choice but to follow her.

Simon: Hey, Lex wazzup?

I looked at the back when someone tapped me and it was Vinny.

Vinny: Hi Lex, long time no see.

Lex: Hi guys! Oh come on. Don't tell me you two really follow me here? Look, wala akong balak mang-gulo okay? I just went here to congratulate Sandro and ahhh? Her wife.

She takes a breath and sarcastically mentions the word "wife". This is no good. I looked at Vinny and he just nod at me.

Simon: Samahan ka na namin? I'll escort you, if you want.

Lex: Thanks but no thanks! I can take care of myself.

Vinny shook his head and I stopped him from following Lex.

Simon: Let's just watch her from afar.

Vinny: Fine. But I don't feel good about this.

Simon: This girl always brings trouble.


I saw how Samantha narrowed her eyebrows the moment she found out who catches the bouquet. I took a deep breath and shook my head. Matt tapped my shoulders and he chuckled.

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