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Sandro: Mrs. Samantha Cruz Marcos.

Sandro: Will you marry me again?

I was blown away with that question. Sandro asked me to marry him again. The people around me made a way for him. We were a few inches away from each other when he kneeled in front of me and showed an engagement ring.

It literally feels like our world suddenly stops. I'm crying my eyes out! Damn hormones!

Sam: S-sandro.

Sandro: Yes Love?

Sam: Stand up! How can I say no? We're already married!

He excitedly stood up and put another ring on my finger. This is the third one already! He embraces me and kisses me on my lips. I love to see Sandro this happy and smiling.

Everyone: Woooooohhh! Congratulations!!

Simon: Double Celebration!

Vinny: Congratulations woooooh!

Matt: Kiss! Isa paaaa!

Sandro: Maaaattt!

Marcus: Sa simbahan din ang tuloy!

I shook my head but still smiling. Everyone is cheering and happy for us. Then I grabbed the microphone from Sandro.

Sam: Everyone, let's triple this celebration and party all night.

They were all silent and listening, waiting for my next announcement. My husband held my hand and
nod to me.

Sam: Our dear family and friends. Sandro and I are pregnant! Were having twins!

Liza: Oh my gahd!

Bong: Let's celebrate!

Everyone: Wooooohhh!

I saw the happiness in Tita Liza and Tito Bong's face.   They were all surprised. Even Vinny and Simon. Everyone is cheering! Wait. I feel like this happens already. Déjà vu. My body shivers with that thought.

Mama Meldy: Congratulations Iha! I'm excited to see my apos.

Liza: I'm happy for both of you.

Bong: This really calls for a celebration! Let's order more drinks and food for everyone!

Sam: Thank you po! Pero hinay lang po tayo sa drinks.

Liza: Don't worry, he will buy lang but never drinks.

Then I feel Sandro's arm wrap around my waist. His stares are different. Para akong malulunod sa sobrang saya. He gets the mic from me and whispered.

Sandro: Are you happy?

Sam: Yes Love.

Sandro: Let me make you more happy.

I smiled but looked confused. What is he talking about?

Sandro: Hello everyone. It's me again. Please do me a favor.

Everyone stops on what their doing and looked at us. Is this another surprise? Hindi na natapos tapos.

Day Dreamer (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now