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Weeks have past and I've been drinking all night - 24/7, pero parang hindi ako nalalasing. Everyday, I always have the same routine. I just wanna
be drunk and be wasted until I passed out. But nothing has changed. I can still feel the pain in my chest and it seriously hurts like hell. Para akong sinasaksak ng paulit-ulit.

Sandro: Samantha.

I whispered her name like it was the first time. Yeah, it hits me differently. I wanted to cry but no tears were coming out of my eyes. So here I am, staring blankly on her picture frame that was on the side table.

Then suddenly, my phone beeps and a reminder pops up.

"When it all began."

I checked the calendar just to make sure if the date was correct. And yeah, it's November 14, I will never ever forget this day.

I was thinking for a second and maybe.... just maybe, it's time. I really don't know if I can, pero bahala na. I started choosing what clothes to wear when I remembered the twins in the other room.

I got out of my bedroom and went to the nursery room. There I saw my twins in the crib, sleeping peacefully. After they were born, this is the first time that I was able to stare at them. They looked like me and their mom. I smiled for a moment and this time, I cried. These were tears of joy. Totoo nga, tama nga sila. Once you see your babies, you will feel the happiness in your heart. And no I am not kidding when I say that I fell in love again. I fell in love with these angels.

Sandro: I'll call you Santhy and Ferry. You like that?

I held both of their hands and they both stares at me. Sht. Nagising ko sila but they both smiled. Oh cuties!

Sandro: Hi babies. It's daddy, you missed me?

Ferry started to cry and Santhy just keeps on staring at me.

Sandro: You look exactly like me, young Zandro. While Ferry looks like your mom and ate Athena.

Hindi ko alam kung paano ko sila papatahanin, so I just keep on talking to them.

Sandro: Hush baby Ferry. It's daddy, please don't cry. I promise to protect you no matter what. Are you hungry? I'll call your nanny-

Liza: Why don't you try and carry them?

I turned around and saw my mom leaning on the door.

Liza: I'm glad to see you here, son. Want me to help you?

Sandro: K-kanina ka pa jan, ma?

Liza: Hmm, medyo. I saw how you talk to them. Your baby is crying, I think she wants you to carry her.

Sandro: I-i don't know h-how.

Liza: Let me help you, that's why I'm here.

My mom got Ferry from her crib and she help me carry her. Then she stops from crying.

Liza: Oh see? She likes you.

I can't stop from smiling while I stare at her.

Sandro: You're so precious baby. You like daddy? I like you too.

After saying that, Santhy started to burst in cry too.

Liza: Ow, selos ang baby boy.

My mom carry him to her arms but he never stopped from crying.

Day Dreamer (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now