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I was busy cooking in the kitchen when Vinny and Simon arrived.

Sam: Hey gents! Kumain na kayo?

Vinny: Actually not yet.

Simon: What are you cooking?

Sam: Sinigang. Do you guys eat this?

Vinny: Oh yes of course. It's Sandro's favorite!

I just looked at him. Sandro. The name still hits different every time I hear it.

Vinny: I'm sorry Sam.

Sam: That's okay Vinny. You know that I still love him, right?

Simon: You do?

Sam: Y-yeah. I always do.

Vinny: Well, I have faith in you guys. There will be a comeback soon.

Simon: When do you plan to go back Sam?

Sam: I don't know. May be after a year?

Vinny: Hmmm. I'm pretty sure Sandro is longing already. It's been 6 months right?

Sam: Right.

Simon: By the way, I believe they will be having a state visit here in NY. I think on Monday?

Sam: Are they gonna stay here?

Vinny: Most likely no. They always have hotel accommodation.

Sam: Come on let's eat!


It's been half a year when Sam started to stay here in NY. She is getting better but it seems that she develops some kind of phobia. She easily gets frightened to any loud noise.

Mom is always checking on her. And Sandro? I believe he's still waiting for Sam. But he is always busy since he is working in Congress. It is actually a good timing that they will be having a state visit here in NY, maybe if the time and destiny allows, they will get back together.

Vinny: Simon come here, let's jam!

Simon: You want to sing a song Sammy? Will play the guitar.

Sam: Uhmmm, sure.

Vinny: Let's stream it.



I received a notification that Vinny is streaming a live. To my curiosity, I check it. I didn't expect that I would get a chance to see her. I put my headset on so I can clearly listen to her song.

There I was again tonight
Forcing laughter, faking smiles
Same old tired, lonely place
Walls of insincerity, shifting eyes and vacancy
Vanished when I saw your face
All I can say is, it was enchanting to meet you

I miss her voice. No, i miss everything about her. I saw sadnees in her eyes.

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