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Yuzuru was taking his skates off when he heard some weird noises. He quickly put his normal shoes on and followed the sounds.

When he found Brianna crying, bleeding from her lip while her supposed boyfriend pressed his body with aggression against hers, well, he saw white. All he wanted was to give the guy a good beating and take him the hell out of his rink. But someone could come in and he had to set an example to the kids.

Breathing slowly, in and out, he calmed himself before approaching the scene just when Brianna begged the idiot to stop with no success.

"I believe the lady asked you to stop"

Everything stopped when Brianna heard the voice of a man that already hated her enough by nature. It was only normal if he hated her even more now after the ridiculous display.

"Go back to the ice skater boy, this is none of your business."

"Let her go" Yuzuru said with a tone she had never heard before. Brianna realized that he probably wasn't as mad as it looked on the first day, because this one was way scarier.

"I don't know who you think you are, but I will do whatever I please" Hiro replied with a stare.

"Not in here, you don't. Get out" he pointed at the door. Hirohito started laughing.

"You're not as scary as you think, skater boy. Have you seen yourself? What are you going to do? Cut me with your blades?"

Brianna heard what looked like a murmur saying "You would deserve it" but instead, the skater only said "Get the fuck out before I make you"

She widened her eyes, as much as she didn't like the guy, he was the epitome of politeness. Swearing wasn't in his vocabulary often.

"Make me?" Hiro started laughing "You really are delusional"

Right after the words got out of his mouth, Brianna felt the heavyweight that was pressing against her body suddenly lift.

Yuzuru dragged him to the door with one arm, her jaw slacked with the apparent strength that his frail figure carried with ease.

Hirohito tried to punch Yuzuru without success, making him use both his arms to stop him from moving. The skater pretty much threw him outside the door before closing it and giving instructions to security. "I don't want that man inside this building ever again" was the only sentence Brianna could understand, followed by a nod and bow from security.

Outside, Hirohito screamed something that looked like "You're too afraid to use your fists, skater boy? Come out and I can teach you how to properly do it"

Brianna was embarrassed, if she wasn't here, Yuzuru would never have to deal with that idiot. It was sure he would really hate her now.

When he approached her softly, taking in her appearance, he grabbed her arm delicately and pushed her as in a way to make her move and follow him.

"I'm fine, I've been enough of a burden today"

Yuzuru's eyes widened but he didn't say anything, repeating the gesture.


Brianna didn't have the energy to fight, she just followed the coach to a door with big bold letters saying "Yuzuru Hanyu". He unlocked and opened the door, gesturing for her to come in.

She figured he wanted to scold her in private, which he had every right to.

"You can sit" he said, pointing at a chair in the desk.

They stayed in silence, Yuzuru opened a cabinet and retrieved what looked like a First aid kit.

Brianna was stunned when he sat on the desk and carefully disinfected and cleaned her lip. His face so close allowed her to study his features, noticing small details she hadn't before. The two small moles on his cheek, far too small to be noticeable from far away, the long lashes...Had she overreacted like her sister said? The gentle touches didn't match the man she met the day prior either. It was all very confusing to her.

"Are you okay?" was all he asked when he finished.

"Yes. Thanks, you didn't have to do that" she said almost silently and bowed her head. "And I'm sorry, it's my fault. If it wasn't for me..."

"It's not" he interrupted her before she could finish. "Don't apologize for him"


"Don't" he silenced her once again. " You can go back to work if you want while you wait, it's safe now"

Brianna was still processing all the information on her brain, but stood up and did exactly that. She could feel Yuzuru's eyes on her as she settled on the bench again, grabbing the forgotten laptop from the ground where Hirohito had left it. It didn't surprise her one bit when she noticed all her work from the morning had been in vain because her boyfriend had turned the computer off before she could save it. You're an idiot Bri was all she thought as a whine left her mouth.

"Something wrong?" The coach asked, he was still observing her.

"Nothing that can't be fixed" .

She watched him disappear somewhere and her niece coming out of the locker rooms.

"Aunt Bri? What happened to your lip? Where's Hirohito?"

"Nothing you need to worry about. Hiro had to go home" Kaori gave her a look in disbelief, Brianna didn't expect her to believe her, but knew the girl wouldn't question more. "Are you ready then, should we go home?"

"Yes... Can we get candy before going home?" Kaori asked with excitement as they left, only to give a little screech when she noticed her coach in the hallway.

"Candy, Kaori-chan?" he asked with a serious expression.

"Just a little bit" she answered with shiness

"Which ones?" he inquired again.


"What candy are you getting?"

"Why do you want to know, Hanyu-san?"

"Just to see if it's worth it to ask you to bring me some" he told her, a serious expression leaving his face, a warm smile placed there instead. He approached her and placed a hand on her head, ruffling her hair.

Kaori laughed at her coach and looked at him with fondness.

"I don't know, but I will bring you some if Brianna lets me"

Brianna was too stunned at the interaction, it was clear how fond of the girl Yuzuru was, his actions almost sweet. This was dangerous territory.

"Let's hope your aunt doesn't hate me enough to deprive me then. Bye, Kao... Brianna"  he said with a bow, her name clearly hard for him to pronounce, but he tried nonetheless.

"Goodbye Hanyu-san" she replied, back already turned away from him, not seeing the smile that showed up on Yuzuru's face.

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