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Yuzuru got back into the warmth of his house. Brianna was lying back on the couch, watching Seimei.

"Started without me?"

"Sorry, I was curious about the costume... We can watch it another time if you're ready to drive me home"

"I was hoping you would stay a bit longer?"

"I guess it's still early, I can stay." she said after looking at the time on her watch and bringing a smile to Yuzuru's face.

"Let me just clean everything and I will join you soon"

Brianna stood up, surprising Yuzuru.

"Let me help"

"No, sit down and relax. Please... It will take less than 5 minutes"


"Please Bri"

" Okay, fine."

Yuzuru kept his promise, 5 minutes later, everything was clean and he went to the couch with a blanket in his arms, quickly dropping the warm fabric on Brianna's lap.

"It's getting cold, wanted to make sure you were warm."

"Thank you... Join me?"

They stood close on the couch to be able to share the warmth.

"What do you want to see?" he asked her, grabbing the remote.

"Nothing in particular, but I was hoping we could talk." Brianna said nervously. There was so much she wanted to ask.

"Of course. Ask away." he told her, sensing the coming interrogation. Yuzuru left the TV on, and tuned in to a random channel as background noise.

They talked about his skating journey, Canada, competitions, the things he missed and the things he hated about them, the scoring problems, his dream jump..."

Relief ran through Yuzuru, he didn't realize how much he was holding back until now. It felt good, to be honest with someone without pre-made ideas about skating and the politics of it all.

He told her about his axel challenge while rain started pouring. The sound of the water against the window was incredibly relaxing.

Somewhere along the way, she leaned into his shoulder, enjoying the extra warmth and comfort while he served as a pillow.

Yuzuru wasn't sure how he managed the confidence in his nervous state, but he placed his arm around her, bringing her body closer and it felt incredible. Brianna's body fitted incredibly next to his, the shared warmth too good on a winter night.

They were watching some random comedy show after the conversation calmed down when Brianna turned to him.

" Yuzu?"

"Hum?" her face was incredibly close, sensually tempting lips on display, but he knew it was too soon.

"I forgot to ask... What is the deal with Winnie the Pooh?"

"Ah, of course. You've seen Pooh-san at practices."


"He's my tissue box... And main coach." he said amused "At least that's what I say when one of my actual coaches is around to piss them off"

"And people throw poohs on the rink because of that?"

"I always liked Pooh, so I was gifted a case when I was still a Junior. I had other themed stuff too. Fans started noticing and eventually started throwing them instead of other stuff. I really enjoyed seeing the pictures of the rink filled with red and yellow... It's my thing, you know? I later donated them to local hospitals and institutions."

"It's really cute, I find that so cool, that they started doing that just because they knew you liked it"

"My fans are crazy but awesome"

"I bet... So, can you like be on the street normally? Cause I've never seen anyone go crazy every time you're around."

"In Sendai it's alright, people respect my private life. The rest of Japan is tricky, there's always the chance of being recognized and ruining a nice day. It is one of the reasons I barely have friends. My life is performing, training, and rest. Now coaching too."

"And yet, it's Friday night and you've thrown away a few hours with me... I think you find the time if you really want to"

"I would find all the time for you". Yuzuru wasn't even sure what made him say it with so much confidence, but he didn't miss the redness that showed on her cheeks.

Brianna only leaned a bit closer to him, enjoying the strong arms that held her tired body. Yuzuru cherished every small bit of physical contact he could get, relaxing on the couch.

They stayed in silence after that, cherishing the peace that it provided while watching the random show on the TV.

It didn't take too long to find Brianna sound asleep. He didn't dare to wake her up for the travel back home. Yuzuru picked her up bridal style and carried her to his bed. Carefully tucking her beneath the covers, he placed a small kiss on her forehead before leaving her alone.

In the living room, he put a few stuff away to make space for his futon and laid the cotton mattress on the floor.
Turning the TV off, he laid down with a smile, happy for how things turned out that day and with thoughts of a great night and hopes for an even better future.

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