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After a few hours of traveling, they arrived at the place they had been a few months before celebrating their first anniversary.

It was almost funny how quickly they dropped on the bed, both far too tired to care about any of the bags scattered around the bedroom. The bed had an actual frame, but the mattress was replaced with a futon, something that Brianna learned was even better the first time they were there.

Bri and Yuzu fell asleep almost immediately, in the early hours of the morning after driving most of the night.
They only woke up hours after, basking in the sunlight that entered the traditional room. Checking the hours, they soon found it was already lunchtime, not that any of them were that hungry after spending half the trip eating candy.

They unpacked and organized their stuff before eating. There were a lot of things they needed to prepare for tomorrow, from all the paperwork to the small dinner they decided to have to thank Ghislain and Keiji.

The afternoon passed by too quickly, if someone told Brianna how much paperwork getting married like this would entail, she would think twice about the crazy act. In the end, the way Yuzu carefully helped her fill everything with affection and get over her frustration took any of those thoughts out of her mind.

Very untraditionally, the couple slept in the same bed the night before the marriage, not giving a lot of care about a few of the traditions that were set in their cultures. Waking up to his soft kisses placed on her collarbones was more than worth breaking a few of those.

That's all they did, a few small kisses. Yuzuru didn't enjoy that she stopped his ministrations almost as soon as he started, asking him silently to wait for the night. It was the one thing she wanted to have and he didn't deny her, he never did.

Getting ready in different rooms, Bri took the white lingerie set she had bought secretly for the occasion, admiring it, and placed it on her body before putting her dress on. She looked in the mirror appreciatively as the garment clung to her curves, it looked just as she imagined, putting a smile on her face. A bit of makeup and careful styling of her hair with her curling iron was all she did styling-wise. The man had fallen for her while she wore sweatshirts and dark eyes, she knew he preferred her natural look.

Yuzuru on the other hand didn't have too much to fuss around. The dark blue suit he got was actually new. He promised himself he should at least make that effort after he heard his fiance talk about her dress. He didn't take too much time, but he gave her the privacy she would need as he carefully admired a box he had retrieved yesterday.

Inside, two gold bands were safely kept surrounded by black velvet. The rings were made by the same man that did his ring, a bit more discreet than he had currently on his finger, but adorned with small engravings of a mix of wings, feathers, and sakura flowers, in honor of both their engagement rings. It was one of those things they knew wouldn't be worn often in the next few months, not without causing a stir in the family, but could always use them for the actual wedding afterward without anyone knowing.

He heard a small knock on the door and his vision was instantly graced with the look of the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. The intricate dress decorating the body he loved so much almost reminded him of his costumes with a bit of sparkle.

"Wow, you look gorgeous" he managed to say bringing a blush to her face. It amazed him he was still able to have that effect on her after so long.

"Thank you. You too." She said shyly as her eyes admired the fitted suit that made his body look incredible.

"Ready?" Yuzuru asked, almost afraid she would have doubts about this now.

"Yes. More than I ever expected" Bri admitted, bringing a smile to his face. The thought had run across his mind during that morning a few times, it surprised him that no doubts were in his head. It was nice to know she felt the same.

After making sure all the paperwork was in the folder they carried, Bri and Yuzu left their accommodation hand in hand with grins too big to hide. They were doing this.

Brianna met Keiji officially for the first time when they arrived at the government building where they were getting married. Up until now, the two had only spoken through video calls and messages. The skater was exactly how she imagined, incredibly nice and warm, it didn't surprise her that he and Yuzuru got along so well.

Greeting Ghislain with a smile and hugs was expected. The older coach was now a good friend of hers after he came to dinner every single time he was in Sendai. Brianna had grown quite fond of him and was honored and happy he was doing this for them.

The marriage itself was probably one of the most unromantic things they had ever done, filled with paperwork and settled words. Stiff and serious, very unlike the two people involved in it. They had predicted this, it was one of the reasons they had chosen to keep their vows for afterward as soon as they could get some alone time.

Still, the meaning of it all was ever so present. The seriousness of it all was inevitable, it was their own choice to go through it after all.

Small smiles and knowing looks were exchanged throughout the whole process. Hands entangled beneath the table, gentle calming touches exchanged. The final signatures and ring exchange made it official.

Husband and wife.

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