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Brianna was finally allowed to leave the hospital after two weeks. Her right wrist and humerus were broken and she would need physiotherapy sessions once out of the cast.

Both she and Yuzuru decided to attend therapy once a week. They had been okay, but the loss of a child always leaves marks. It felt nice to have someone to talk about it without any judgment.

He wanted to cancel his show but she didn't allow him to, the fans expected him to do it and he had worked too much to just let all the efforts be in vain.

It felt weird for Brianna to see her body slowly changing into its old shape, but it was something that had to happen eventually.

The whole situation took a toll on their lives, they now had bodyguards following her everywhere, something she hated and often resulted in staying at home to avoid seeing them. Brianna could barely type on her laptop with her cast and it made her work go by too slowly for her liking.

Every time Yuzu got home, he would straight up remove the laptop from her and order her to rest, something she usually tried to comply with to make him happy.

The one other thing that still wasn't back to normal was their sex life. Yuzuru had straight up refused every single one of her advances and told her to rest. After a month she was pissed, frustrated, and horny. It hurt to see him arrive home in his training clothes, all tight, and not be able to do anything about her frustrations.

She was out of the cast in 6 weeks, the first session of physiotherapy going as great as possible, her hand was slowly regaining movement, and this allowed her to work faster when Yuzu was out of the house. Even with all his pleas, she had to be entertained somehow with all the time she was spending alone at home.

The police finally caught Hiro after a whole month of searching, his trial was scheduled almost right away and thankfully, there was enough evidence to avoid the need for her testimony. She couldn't bear to look into his face after everything.

None of the situations was made public, Brianna made sure that the tragedy that faced them never reached the media, there was absolutely no need to hear anyone's pitty, it was already bad enough as it was.

Hiro ended up being sentenced to life, something that was already expected but that was a huge relief nonetheless. It took a while to make Yuzuru drop the bodyguards afterward, but it was nice to get back to normal life as soon as he did.

Going back to her routine was nice, she missed watching Yuzuru skate. He had been so busy with all the show planning that she barely saw him at home. He often arrived after she was asleep and left early in the morning with sweet kisses and I love yous before running to a sponsor or production meeting.

After two months of pent-up sexual frustration, Brianna decided to try and get off alone, if he wasn't going to touch her, she had to find another way to fix all this frustration.

Being at home alone, and certainly for a while since he had all sorts of meetings today, she got in the shower and used all of her creativity to imagine him touching her.

It didn't get too much to get her all riled up, so much she didn't hear the front door opening. She didn't hear him call for her either with the water running.

Yuzuru panicked once he opened the door and didn't see her on the couch where she usually was. He had noticed how much time he had been distant and decided to make up to her that night. He bought flowers and even took his good clothes to change into after practice so he would look nice to her. Realizing the girl was missing gave him too many flashbacks.

He rushed to the bedroom when he noticed the noise of the water running. A relieved sigh left his body when he heard another noise from the bathroom.
It looked strangely like one of those moans he loved so much and he didn't even think before dropping the flowers on the bed and entering the bathroom trying not to make any noises.

Yuzuru hardened instantly at the image in front of his eyes. Brianna's naked body was on full display, eyes closed, head tilted back resting on the wall of the shower and her hand disappearing between her folds as she moaned his name.
He removed his clothes as silently as he could muster and slid beneath the water, instantly wrapping his arms around her.

Brianna gasped in surprise but soon forgot as he replaced her hand with his, rubbing softly while placing kisses on her shoulders, back, and neck.

"Yuzu" she gasped.

"You could have asked" he said with a smirk.

"I tried, but you pushed me away"

"I'm sorry baby. I didn't mean to leave you frustrated. I wasn't sure you were ready."

"Just do something" she begged.

"We don't have condoms"


"I really want to be inside of you right now" he said, grinding his erection on her behind to emphasize the point.

"It's not like you haven't done it before" she stated with frustration.

"What if?"

"I get pregnant? Weren't we both ready for a child a few months ago?" . Brianna was more than frustrated, she turned around and stared at her husband. This was not the time to have this conversation but it had to happen eventually. She sighed and decided to let it go "just get me off, I don't care how"

Yuzuru gave her a once-over. "Are you sure you don't mind if we?"

It took her some time to realize he was still dwelling on the matter.

"I want a family with you...I said that over and over again. I don't want Hiro to ruin all of those plans, he has done more than enough already."

He kissed her lips passionately and suddenly it was as if they were back to how they used to be. Her back pressed on the shower hall as he touched her body like it was the most precious thing in the world.

His first thrust felt like home, so good she almost came immediately.
All of the frustrations, that she now realized he was feeling too were shown in their lovemaking and it didn't take too long before they were reaching their climaxes together.

Yuzuru caressed her with soft touches as they both came down from their high, enjoying the intimacy they had been missing for so long.

"I brought you flowers" he said with a laugh "I was planning a date night today".

"Best date ever" she told him with a giggle that he silenced with a kiss.

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