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Brianna almost laughed at his expression, the only thing stopping her was the seriousness of the whole matter.

"Are you messing with me?" He finally uttered, still dumbfounded.

"Yuzu, I don't know! I'm just saying that might be it, it could be... I can't be certain without a test"

"I will get one" he said, already taking his car keys.

"Baby" she stopped him in his tracks. "Are you okay?"

"Yes, I just..." Yuzuru didn't know how to react, he wanted it to be true so much but was afraid to get his hopes up and then be disappointed. "I need to know" he finally said.

"I will get it myself, you just stay here and relax a bit" she told him, as calmly as she could muster.

"You're the one that should be relaxing if you are..."

"Okay Zu, I understand your point of view. but I don't want my possible pregnancy on the news tomorrow. There's a chance they recognize me, but it's far lower than your chances"

He pouted but agreed, Yuzu knew she was right, there was no reason to fight it.



"Are you mad?"

"Mad?" He asked surprised.

"I know this is a bad time, and I have no idea how but..."

"Bri, please relax"

"You just look so tense"

"I don't want to get my hopes up... In case it's something else" he finally admitted, making her eyes widen.


"You really thought I didn't want this? Haven't we spoken about it enough?"

"I'm just stupid"

"Will you get that test, please? I don't think I can relax or sleep without knowing for sure"

She took her keys and kissed him before leaving through the door. This was bad timing if she ever heard one, but it's nice knowing that if it's really the case that the baby will certainly be loved and it's wanted.

The pharmacy was the safest and best bet. Some grocery stores carried tests but the science geek in her wanted to make sure whatever was said in the result was the truth. Brianna ended up getting 4 different brands, far too many for sure, but she wasn't taking any risks.

The lady at the pharmacy was very helpful, not judging her in the slightest and giving her counseling on the best brands and in what the different tests differed.

Arriving home again, she found Yuzuru pacing around the kitchen.

"Why are you even more nervous than me?" She asked with a laugh, finding humor to be the best solution in this situation.

"I don't know" he answered, clearly nervous.

She placed the bag containing the tests on the kitchen counter and hugged him. "It will be alright, we can do this"

"I'm more afraid that it's not true and I will be sad about what could have been"

"I brought 4 different tests, it's stupid, but I want to make sure."

He nodded and watched her fiddle with the boxes, removing the test devices and reading the instructions of each one carefully while Yuzuru caressed her waist patiently to calm her and partly to also calm himself.

Brianna proceeded with the tests, placing the devices on the bathroom counter once they were done. All that was left was the wait.
Those were the longest 3 minutes of both their lives, Yuzu took her out of the bathroom to avoid her stressing over every second that passed without any reading. They were sitting on the bed, a temporizer set on his smartwatch to make sure enough time had elapsed.

She felt the vibration on the watch warning of the three minutes elapsed when Yuzuru stood up

"Don't look without me" she said, following him hand in hand to the other small room.

The results weren't shocking in the least, the four tests read the same thing: positive. They looked at each other with strange relief, it's not often that a couple enjoys an unplanned pregnancy, but they were never ones to follow the norm. He kissed her softly and she knew immediately how much of a momma bear he was about to become.

"I'm so happy" he said with tears in his eyes as she hugged him close.

The most complex of the tests even went as far as telling the time, approximately 9 weeks. This would put the conception around the time of their marriage. The pill had worked for them in a while, and even knowing it wasn't 100% effective, Brianna still wondered if they were really that lucky.

She probably shouldn't have, but she found herself calling her sister on instinct.

"Hey Bri, everything okay?"

"Hello, Mars... Yeah yeah, you?"

"I'm great, do you need anything? Not that I'm complaining but you don't usually call me at these hours"

"I have a question"


"Is there anything that can cut down the effect of the pill?"

"A few antibiotics*** and other medications, why?"

"Just curiosity, you know... Just in case, always nice to be informed" Brianna was a terrible liar and knew that as soon as the words left her mouth, her sister had figured it out. Yuzuru even winced at her excuse, dropping a laugh immediately after and whispering exactly what he thought in her ear.

"You're pregnant aren't you?"


"Shit, you are! How far along?"

"The test says 9 weeks"

"You took more than one?"


"Oh, you're screwed... Does he know? Is he freaking out?"

"I'm not..." It almost hurt that her sister thought immediately this would be a bad thing. "We're happy about the news..."

"And I'm not freaking out"  Yuzu answered, breaking his silence now.

"Hello to you too, Yuzuru... If you're happy then it's great news. I know an excellent doctor who can follow you, I will give you her contact info."

"Thanks, and please don't tell anyone... I shouldn't have called"

"No, you should have. You can trust me, sis..."

"Yeah, but I have a feeling you will freak out about this"

"I won't, I have a kid too... Just... should we change the wedding date?"

They looked at each other in panic, they hadn't even thought about that topic. Already being married took a lot of importance to the date they booked. Nonetheless, Yuzu gave her a face that said it all: it's up to you, you're the one carrying the child.

"I think we can keep it as it is, I have 2/3 months to recover before getting married"

"You won't have a honeymoon with a newborn though"

"It's fine, we weren't planning on one either way"

Brianna was certain her sister would have a stupid surprised look on her face but still got along with it.

"Okay... If you need anything, you know who to call."

***Just FYI, this is not entirely proven by scientific backing, just go along with it

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