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Yuzuru and Brianna closed everything after he finished at the rink and quickly headed to his house. The skater chose to have a shower at home so Brianna wouldn't be alone at the rink where someone could enter at any time.

Entering the house, they turned the now-fixed heating system onto a pleasantly warm temperature in sharp contrast with the cold on the street.

"Go ahead, have a shower. I'll wait for you" she said, pecking his lips softly.

He hummed in satisfaction, ecstatic with anticipation. Yuzu wasn't sure what she had in mind, but knowing her, it was going to be good.

While she waited, Brianna rummaged through the several cabinets to see if she could find some kind of massage oil, all of it without success.

"You need anything?" Brianna almost jumped at his voice, she wasn't expecting him to be so fast.

Yuzuru was in a t-shirt and shorts, still drying his hair with a towel. She didn't hide checking his body out, her eyes carefully analyzing every inch of him.

"hum...I was just seeing if you had any massage oil or something else we could use"

"Let me check my skating bag, Kikuchi made me carry some kind of oil when I competed, I never threw it away."

It didn't take too long before he came back with a small bottle, looking at the label, Brianna figured it would do.


Yuzuru almost coughed at the images in his mind but quickly nodded.

He threw himself on the mattress and turned on his back.

"How do you want me?" he asked making her laugh.

"Where do you usually get sore?"

"Quads, hamstrings, and calves mostly"

"Okay, stay like that then and we start on the quads"

Yuzuru looked at her as she took a small bit of the oil in her hands and carefully placed her hands on his quads. She massaged slowly but deeply with trained hands.
He gulped every time her hands were near his pelvis.

"How are you so good at this?" he asked in a raspy voice, almost embarrassed at his body's reaction to her movements. It was never like this with his Physiotherapist.

"I'm trained in sports massage"

"You're what now? How have I never heard of this?"

"Because nobody told you" she grinned "And not a lot of people are aware, I did it back when I was still doing Karate"

"And here I was thinking you were just being flirty with the massage thing"

Brianna moved her hands to the top of his thighs teasingly "Who says I wasn't?"

"Fuck! Don't act surprised if I get hard"

"Relax Yuzu" she kept her deep touches "I want you comfortable"

He hummed in contentment as she released the tension on both his quads, lifting his shorts whenever she wanted, making Yuzuru's breathing quicken immediately.

"Turn around for me?" He turned around and she started working on his calves and hamstrings.

"I'm going to ask you to do this all the time now, you realize that, right?"

"You just have to ask"


"Hum, you will regret saying that"

"Doubt it... You want me to do your back too?"

"If you're offering, I won't say no"

"Shirt off?"

Yuzuru started laughing and the coy smile on his face told her he was about to say something stupid.

"If you wanted to see me shirtless, you could just ask"

"Go ahead then" she smiled flirtily at him.

He took the shirt off with his back facing her and laid down in his previous position.

Brianna's hands were on him almost right away, caressing the whole patch of exposed skin.

As she massaged deeper, she could hear small moans erupting from him.

"Feels good?" she asked.

"Incredible, you're incredible" The raspiness of his voice sent butterflies down her stomach.

She was starting to get affected by this too, lowering down she placed small kisses on his neck, down to his shoulder blades.

"Bri... You're driving me crazy here"

"hum... Good crazy?"

"Really good crazy"

She kept her massage, now more about the very gentle touches and teasing.

"You want to turn around again?"

Yuzuru didn't answer but turned his body fast, giving her a marvelous view of his toned torso. She couldn't resist touching his abs, hands roaming up and down as she went.

Brianna kissed his lips and he welcomed her eagerly, quickly reciprocating. Gentle and teasing kisses were placed on his neck and jaw, making him wild as she found a particularly sensitive spot.

"Fuck Bri"

She smirked and kept her attack. Yuzuru felt her hands running down and his eyes widened and he groaned as she palmed him through his shorts.
Her look was questioning, asking permission.

The skater gulped once again and gave a small nod. She didn't waste much time before placing her hand inside and grabbing him with care.

Yuzuru had his head turned back and his eyes closed. "Don't...let me see you... Look at me" was all she asked before his dark orbs fixed on her in attention.

"I won't last long if I do" he answered in a raspy voice.

"I don't care, just relax and enjoy this. You've been incredible to me, I feel like I owe you so much."

"You don't..." her hand circling the swollen tip cut his words with a moan.


Brianna's hands kept moving up and down, analyzing every single expression of his to find out what he enjoyed. He looked incredible like this. She was horny enough to pounce on him, but tonight was about him.

"I'm close" he whispered next to her ear before kissing her inviting lips "So fucking close"

The shivers that ran through her were nothing like she felt before.

"I got you, let go"

He came with an almost silent groan, head cradled on her neck where he was placing kisses now after his climax had calmed down.

She left his side to get a towel to clean the mess.

They cuddled afterward, Yuzuru being as loving as ever, still shirtless for her own appreciation.

"What about you?" he suddenly realized the pleasure had been one-sided.

"Some other time. I enjoyed this."


She silenced his lips with another kiss "Less talking, more kissing"

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