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Yuzuru didn't expect her lips on his, but he certainly welcomed them. He had been trying to take things slow, without hurrying to make sure there was no pressure on her. He knew how her past relationship had been and wanted nothing less than for her to be completely comfortable around him while understanding there were no expectations.

It took him some time to process, but soon enough he was responding eagerly, bringing her carefully to his lap, barely taking any time apart. She silently asked for permission with her tongue and he happily conceded, soon turning into a full-on make-out session. Hands roamed each other's bodies, caresses exchanged.

They lost track of time, it felt incredible, too good.

"You're...supposed...to be... Resting" he said in between kisses.

"Do you want me to stop?" she asked, pulling apart from him for a few seconds.

"No, but we should"

"Screw that," she said, resuming the attack.

They only stopped after their lips were far too sore to continue, she still sat on his lap, his hands still softly caressing her sensitive body.

"Are you going to the rink today?"

"I want to, it is my quad axel day"

"ouch" she grimaced "I figured you would have given up on it already"

"Me? Give up?"

"Fair point" she agreed "But still, something in me hates when you try it, brings more pain than anything else"

"I need the purpose to keep going. I limit training it once a week."

"hum? Billions of fans don't give you enough purpose?"

"It is a challenge, just that... Believe me, I don't go as further as I used to, my ankle is too beaten up for that, too loose"

"I want to go and make sure you don't kill yourself"

He laughed and pecked her lips.

"You're unbelievable... There's nothing I can do to make you rest, is there?"

"It's not like I'm the one skating... I'll be fine. Fresh air would be nice"

"I want something in return" he said with a smirk.

"Do I even want to know?"

"Yes... Do you have such little trust in me?"

"What is it?"

"You let me call you my girlfriend"

"Girlfriend?" she asked, raising her brows. "I always thought it was such a childish term"

"I don't really care about the term, I want what comes with it"

"Don't you already have all of that?" she grinned, enjoying the process of annoying him.

He groaned, knowing very well she was enjoying this.
"So, we are together? I can flex to everyone that you're mine?"

"Whatever makes you happy, my Yuzu. I'm the one that somehow managed to grab a Japanese heartthrob" She started caressing his chest and kissed him once again."And the curious part is that I managed that by hating him"

"Hate is a strong word"

"Alright, maybe I never really hated you, I thought you were insufferable"

"And arrogant, self-absorbed... I'm pretty sure I hear you calling me skinny too, saying I only wore big clothes to hide"

"You're not fat"

"You know exactly what I mean"

"Not sure I do"

He rolled them around, pinning her back to the mattress.

"You were surprised when you saw me out of the oversized clothes"

"So we're you, at dinner and I wore that dress"

"It looked amazing on you" he admitted. "Why do you hide your body?"

"Why do you hide yours?"

"I asked first, but it is just for comfort in my case, it helps to avoid people's stares"

Brianna huffed, annoyed with the man on top of her "Hiro..."


"He's the reason I started wearing those clothes. He didn't enjoy other men looking, I guess"

"Fuck, each day that passes I think of him as a bigger idiot"

"Let's not talk about him..." Brianna stood up and earned a whine in complaint "Come on, let's cook lunch"

"Let me"

They cooked together (mostly Yuzuru) and ate before she changed clothes and they left the house.

Brianna texted her sister to let her know they would be out to avoid any worries.

Yuzuru needed to stop by his house too in order to change clothes and pick up stuff he needed for his training.

She was surprised to find a closed rink, Yuzu took a key from his pocket and opened the doors, turned on the lights, and did everything else he needed to do in a rehearsed way.

She happily took the same spot she used every time and watched him warm up off the ice, all the movements so weird that she thought he did it on purpose to confuse and tease her at the same time.
Pooh-san was retrieved from his office and he was placed in the same place as usual.

The practiced way Yuzuru put his skates on fascinated her, he was fast but methodical. Secretly, it was one of the many things he did at the rink that could turn her on.

He always looked like he floated on the ice, it was crazy how easy he made it look.
Watching the training was fine until she recognized the posture he always used whenever he was about to jump the quad axel.

Jump after jump after jump she watched the man either fall or abort the jump, each fall making her wince in pain.

He rolled his shoulders in pain on the last time he fell, she watched him carefully trying to ease what she assumed to be pain or discomfort.

"Maybe you should call it a day Yuzu"

"Just a bit more, I'm okay"

Yuzuru tried again, this time actually landing on one foot, which Brianna celebrated immediately.

"You did it!"

He laughed "You know I've done it before right? I just can't do it regularly"

"Still, I call it a win"

"It's still a bit under-rotated, I think"

"Looks incredible to me"

"Alright, let's call it a day. Do you want to go to my house or Mary's?"

"Hum... Can I stay the night?"

"You can stay whenever you want"

"Then yours, it's empty. Will you borrow me some clothes to sleep too?"

"I told you, whatever you want"

"I'll give you a reward then"

"Oh? Do tell..."

"I think you deserve a nice massage after this"

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