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No pregnancy is ever easy, but given the standards, Brianna seemed to be having an easy time. She still had morning sickness once in a while but it was all she felt.

Getting near the five-month mark, her belly was now evident whenever she wore tighter clothing. Her sports clothes and loungewear had never been as useful as now. She could easily wear one of her oversized sweatshirts whenever she wanted to draw less attention.

They had eventually made the announcement to their families, Yuzu's mom being more than shocked but strangely taking the news lightly.
Brianna's father was too happy to hide, he loved his grandkids and couldn't wait to welcome another one

The last ultrasound they had revealed they were having a baby girl, Yuzuru had guessed correctly and had been bragging about the subject at every possible opportunity.

Feeling their little girl move inside of her was now one of her favorite things in the world. The first time she felt it, she called Yuzuru with a tone that made him panic in worry but it was soon replaced with utter joy.

No one in the family knew about their marriage yet, they had managed to keep it under wraps successively. Thinking about it, the whole thing is probably going to be a family secret until they are old enough to tell without anyone getting mad.

The couple was happier than ever. Brianna took less workload and enjoyed taking the time to work with Yuzuru on his Tokyo show. It was now public knowledge he was doing it and everyone seemed so excited to be a part of the event. Bri only hoped she would be able to attend, that their baby girl would be well-behaved and allowed to watch at least a bit of the incredible experience the show was going to be.

Everything that looks too perfect to be true usually isn't. Their seemingly happy lives would face yet another challenge.

Brianna was driving home after dropping Kao at Mary's. They had gotten groceries and the plan was to cook while she waited for Yuzuru who was still at the rink.

She was surprised to find their front door open, had Yuzuru come home earlier that day? Brianna didn't spot his car and worried that something might have happened.

Entering the familiar space, nothing could have prepared her for the next minutes of torture. The front door closed abruptly and when she looked in the direction of the sound, she found the scary eyes of someone she hadn't seen in almost two years.

The man looked at her with a rage she found terrifying. The last time she had seen him, he was dragged with a bloody face by the cops after Yuzuru had beaten the shit out of him. This Hirohito looked far scarier than the one she remembered.

He had been arrested at the time, and Brianna wasn't sure for how long he was supposed to be in jail. She had felt safe all this time without bothering to check.
But now, looking at the man who once made her life a living hell, she wondered if she could find a way to defend herself in case things got ugly.

Once he launched on her though it didn't take too much time to realize her efforts would be useless. She hadn't practiced her martial arts in 2 whole years, and her self-defense attempts were rendered useless against the stronger man holding her down. He dragged her into the wall without any care in the world, manhandling her body as he pleased and ignoring all her pleas to stop.

So far, no words had been uttered by the man, actions speaking far too much without the need for words. In his head, Hiro was pissed, this was the woman that made him go to prison, a woman that exchanged him for a flimsy skater that couldn't give her half of what he could. He expressed his frustration with brute strength, showing her exactly who was the boss here.

He ignored all her cries for help, he couldn't even understand the small things she uttered and begged that he didn't care to know.

Hiro didn't care either about her screams when he dragged her sweatpants off and pushed into her heat forcefully, her eyes filled with tears as he used her without a care in the world.

"You will always be mine, no matter what you think" she heard him say "Beg, cry, do whatever you want. He isn't man enough to give it to you like me, you should have been able to realize that now"

Brianna blocked every thought of the mess she was now in, protecting her mind as best she could by thinking of her incredible husband. The one thing she could never block was the fear for her baby girl, her arms wrapped around her belly as best she could to protect the growing human being.

Hiro eventually seemed to have enough, either he wasn't satisfied with her almost blacking out or got sick of it all. He gave her another beating until she was wrecked, panting on the bathroom floor in desperation.

"I will be around, next time be sure to be ready for me" was all she heard before the door closed.

Brianna tried to stay awake, she looked for her phone on her knees without standing up but gave up when she couldn't find it near enough.

A patch of blood dragged her attention from the search, never in her life, she had been so worried. It didn't last long because eventually her body gave up and she passed out in the middle of the bathroom, surrounded by her own blood.

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