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Brianna patiently waited for Yuzuru to get back from the interviews. Media was always important on days like these.

The show had been an obvious success. She had no doubts he would be able to fill the arena without a problem, but to do it and then deliver that performance was truly something only he could pull off.

She caressed her belly when she felt movement, it was significantly bigger than last time, Brianna was even surprised Yuzu hadn't noticed yet. The movements started earlier in the pregnancy this time but the doctor assured her everything was okay as long as she didn't put her body through too much stress.

Yuzuru entered his room and a smile graced his face immediately. He closed the distance between them by wrapping his arms around her.
"So, what's the feedback?"

"That you had zero reasons to announce that we had gotten married" she said, pretending to be mad.

Thankfully, he knew her well enough to call her bluff. "You loved it, I saw your grin once you stopped being embarrassed"

"Maybe I liked that everyone knew you were mine for real"

"That's what I thought" he answered laughing. "Now seriously, what did you think of the show?"

"Incredible, you're incredible." His grin got even bigger and she couldn't resist kissing his lips. "So incredible I have a gift for you."

"A gift?" He asked with a raised brow.

Brianna reached for her bag where she had a t-shirt well hidden for a few days. It was corny as heck but she loved to play with her husband and imagine his reactions. "Here"

She handed him the shirt and watched him read confused.

It took him a second but when his eyes widened she laughed out loud

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It took him a second but when his eyes widened she laughed out loud.

"Bri? Does this mean? You're...?"

"I am" she said with a grin and watched him gradually lose his mind as he processed the information. He closed the distance and kissed her so hard she saw stars. They sat together after, Bri allowing him a few more moments.

"Twins?" He asked, still getting used to the idea.


"And you're sure?"

Brianna took the echography pictures that were safely kept in her bag and handed them to him, loving the fascinated look on his face.


"I know. You have always been an overachiever after all" She laughed at her lame joke, but so did he so it couldn't be that bad.

"How far along?"

"About 16 weeks, I've known for a while. I just didn't want to get your hopes up without knowing for sure everything was okay"

Yuzuru nodded in understanding, after everything they had been through, he understood why she chose to keep it a secret for a while.

"Can I see?" He asked, pointing at her belly hidden by the oversized jacket.
She nodded and raised her clothes to find a surprised look on his face. "Am I really that blind that I didn't notice?"

"Maybe just a bit distracted with the show and the wedding."

"A bit? I had you naked and didn't see all of that" She laughed and relaxed into his touch.
"I want to be at the next scan"

"Of course"

"And you know what this means?"

"That you will turn into a mama bear again?

"I just want the best for you and my children"

From that point onwards and through the duration of the pregnancy, Yuzuru was perfect.

He endured all of her mood changes, especially when she started calling him names. One time her head was so consumed by the hormonal changes that she mentioned getting a divorce. Yuzuru, who up until that point took anything that got out of her mouth in silence, looked scared when those words left her. She regretted them immediately, he had been such an incredible husband and she repaid all of that with those hurtful words.

"Shit, I'm so fucking stupid" she said right away.

"It's okay..."

"It isn't, you know it isn't"

"It's okay as long as you don't mean it. You don't want a divorce, right?"

"Of course not. These days I can barely shower by myself, let alone survive"

"Is that all I am now?" He joked, lightening the mood.

"Not just that, you know I also get horny"

He snorted at that, his Bri was back.

They announced the pregnancy to the public through a mirror selfie on social media, Yuzuru with his arms wrapped around her now very evident belly. She was 6 months along and they were having a boy and a girl very soon.

Yuzuru endured all her weird cravings, often leaving the bed at crazy night hours to get her food. Some of those times included getting out on the street to buy whatever she was craving that they didn't have at the house.

His favorite thing now was touching her belly and feeling them move. Once Brianna told him they were always restless when he wasn't around, often not allowing her to rest, he made sure to be as present as possible. Only leaving her to coach his class and to train.

He helped her through the back, leg, and ankle pain with gentle massages. She was a true warrior for withstanding all of this torture just to bring these two tiny babies into the world.

By the end of the pregnancy, Brianna's belly was huge. Her back ached every time she stood up for a bigger amount of time.

Her doctor scheduled a C-section at 38 weeks. The babies had already lasted longer inside her than usual and he didn't want to risk putting them in danger by risking the wait for a natural delivery.

It was easier that way, planning-wise. That morning they took everything needed and went to the hospital calmly. Yuzuru was going to watch the delivery by her side.
Under local anesthetic, the twins came into the world, she heard the first cry, and tears showed on her face. They placed the babies on her chest and she saw Yuzu's hand touching them with love. She stared at her husband who like her had tears in his eyes. He smiled at her and caressed her face with one of his hands while the other squeezed her hand.

A few hours later, Brianna found herself waking up. She wasn't sure when she fell asleep but she certainly loved the view from her bedside.

Yuzuru was there with a crib by his side, cooing at the babies in the cutest way possible. It made her forget the pain of the surgery and brought a stupid grin to her face.

He was going to be the best father ever.

"You live long enough in a world spinning on its axis, you learn to spin in the same direction "


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