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The couple was almost afraid to look at their phones now.

When they did, Brianna had 11 missed calls from her sister followed by far too many texts to read. Yuzuru had a few calls and texts from his mother and sister but nothing as dramatic as Mary's attempts.

"I think we should do your family first" Brianna uttered, not sure she wanted to deal with Mary at the moment.

Yuzuru looked at her questioningly and was about to say something when she showed him the texts and the missing calls, making the skater laugh like a child. "Mary being Mary" was all he said in between laughs. "The articles only come out tomorrow, so we should be safe for a few hours... Right now, all they have is fan's assumptions"

He called his mom, telling her not to worry and asking if they could stop by at his parents' house to talk.

Brianna didn't realize how nervous she was until they were parked in front of the building.

"Are you okay?" He asked, sensing her nerves. "I'm nervous too" Yuzu confessed. "But no matter what, I'm sure of this. And if we are sure, they will accept it."

That reassured her and with their hands joined they entered his childhood home. They were warmly welcomed as usual and found themselves sitting in the living room. Brianna noticed how Yumi's eyes focused on her hand when they came in but the older woman didn't say a thing.

Under the table, the couple reassured one another by keeping their hands united. With a sigh, Yuzuru started the speech he studied in his head while they were driving.

"We have thought a lot about the matter, and are aware that you probably already suspect this after my streamed practice today, but we are engaged" he started with a smile. "I am aware I should have given everyone a warning before the media got to know of it, so I'm sorry for that." he said a few more words about how happy they were while reassuring his parents that even though it's early in their relationship, that they were both very certain and excited of the decision.

Yumi and Hidetoshi listened to his words attentively, allowing their son to finish speaking before giving any opinions on the matter. Brianna could spot a hint of a smile on his mother's face that reassured her but kept her mouth shut, only squeezing his hand in support when he finished his speech.

"If you're happy, we are happy" was all his dad said. Yumi nodded in agreement.

"Just next time you have a big announcement, please tell us before I find out through the news. We are happy with any decision you make."

They nodded and excused themselves, there was still the other side of the family to go.

Mary was an entirely different story, the texts came flooding and they ranged from 'WTF?' to 'young lady, you have some explaining to do' and Bri's favorite 'Are you pregnant?'

Brianna eventually decided to end her suffering by texting 'I'll be at your place in 15, dad is on his way too'

She wasn't as nervous now, somehow, his parents concerned her more than her own family. Her father loved Yuzuru before she even knew who he was and Mary was his old friend.

"Your sister is going to give me hell for not telling her" Yuzu said as he parked the car.

"You had no obligation to tell her."

"I told your dad though"

"You what?!"

"Last time we had dinner together at Mary's we spoke in private and I told him I was planning on proposing. I didn't exactly ask for your hand, but I did ask if he approved."

"I'm guessing he did"

"He gave me the usual warning of getting my ass beat if I ever hurt you, but then said he thought I was right for you."

"That's reassuring"

Yuzuru pressed a small kiss on her lips before the front door opened, revealing Mary. "Do you 2 mind hurrying up? I have questions." She screamed from the door, ushering them to get out of the car.

Brianna rolled her eyes at her sister as they went inside the house. They were barely inside the living room when Mary asked suddenly. "Are you pregnant?"

"Jeez... You don't joke around, do you Mars?"

"Are you?" She asked again, now more serious. Their dad started laughing and Mary didn't like it one bit. "I'm serious here..."

"I'm not pregnant"

"That you know of..."

"I'm not"


"But I am engaged"

Mary looked at her with a silly look, almost as if she just said the most obvious thing in the world. "We all know that! A quarter of the Japanese population is talking about it on social media"

"Took you long enough, Yuzu" Aito said with a smile. The skater beamed at the older man, enjoying how welcome he was in their family.

"You knew?" Mary screamed.

"Leave them alone Mary"

"I had to figure out that my sister is getting married through social media!"

"I was going to tell you! I just...forgot"

"Because that is something you just forget..." Mary continued with a slight smile that told Brianna she was bluffing being mad "And don't think I'm not mad at you, Yuzuru!"

"Here it comes" he said with a laugh.

"It's not funny!"

"Mars, we all know you're not mad, stop pretending"

The whole room started laughing and Mary launched at her sister, hugging her tightly. "You're right...I'm so happy for you"

"Thank you, sis"

"You're sure you're not pregnant?"

"I'm sure"

"Too bad... I want a nephew! You hear that, Yuzu?"

"Can we get married first?" He replied to his friend with a grin.

"When is it?"

"We don't know... It's barely been 2 days"

"At least show me the ring"

And they both did, making the room erupt in laughter again.

"Why do you even have a ring, Yuzuru?"

"Because your sister proposed to me"

"Oh? Wait, you're serious?"

"I did, and the bastard said no"

"I'm so confused right now"

Explaining the whole story wasn't easy, and they kept a few of the details for themselves, but one thing was certain, it was a story they could tell everyone, no matter how ridiculous it was. It was without a doubt better for this than a naked proposal at an onsen.

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