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Brianna wasn't at all surprised to see Yuzuru treating her like glass as soon as they found out about the news.

The poor man wanted to be involved in everything. She knew how hard it was for him to find time for doctor booking in between his busy schedule, but still, the skater begged her to tell her exactly when they had to go to the ultrasounds and he would make it work.

They booked the very first ultrasound on Wednesday after his training session, heading directly to the doctor's office afterward.

She was watching him on the ice as usual while working. It was one ritual they had kept since the very beginning.
This time though, she stopped hearing the sounds of his blades and found him exiting the ice far too early.

"Everything okay?" She asked, worried that he got hurt without her noticing.

"No" he said as he took one of his old Team Japan warm jackets and went next to her, skates on his feet only protected by the guards, and placed the jacket on her shoulders. "It's cold here, be careful please"

"Yuzu...I'm fine, I'm used to the low temperatures"

"Please do this for me" he begged her and she just nodded as he got back to his training. Brianna enjoyed the smell on the jacket and indulged her husband, not wanting to pick a fight over something so dumb.

Brianna watched as Mary entered the rink to pick up Kaori and sat by her side.

"How are you feeling?" The older sister asked after they exchanged small greetings. This was the first time they had seen each other after their conversation on the phone.

"Alright... The morning sickness sucks, feeling tired too, but it's worth it."

"It is, you guys are really happy aren't you?"

"Yes. It's still an unplanned pregnancy, but we had been talking about building a family for a while, it just came a bit earlier than expected."

"You will make amazing parents. Is he insufferable already?" Mary knew her friend well, Yuzuru could turn annoying when he wanted to protect what he loved.

"It's alright, he worries, but I love him far too much to be mad once he starts exaggerating."

"It's good that he cares so much, the best parents always do. Will you tell me how everything goes?"

"I'll send you the report and the pictures"

"Yes!" The older girl celebrated, excited. "I'm ecstatic about this! I love babies, it's even better when I'm not the one carrying them"

"Is that your warning that pregnancy isn't fun at all?"

"There's good stuff and bad stuff. But Yuzu is great, he will be there to help you every single step of the way "


"Mary!" They heard the man in question call out from the ice. "Thanks for picking up Kao today"

"Of course, she's my daughter after all" she replied with a grin. "Are you excited for today?"

"Yes, I can't wait to see our baby" he said with a huge smile, bringing butterflies to Brianna's stomach and a grin to her face. She touched her belly, it was still far too early to be noticeable but part of her couldn't wait to see the little creature inside of her grow.

"I'm happy for you both." Mary said while saying her goodbyes to the couple. "Take care of my sister, Zu"


Not long after, they were arriving at the doctor's office. The doctor was an old friend of Mary from college and she had been the one following her sister on both of her pregnancies. Brianna trusted her sister's judgment in anything medical-related and just figured this would be the best choice.

They were welcomed by a lady in the reception who guided them through the white walls and into an office with all sorts of medical equipment.
The doctor was incredibly nice, trying to get as much information as possible without violating their privacy.

"So, any idea how far along you are?" She asked after the initial questions about symptoms and test results.

"Maybe 9/10 weeks. I was on the pill at the time but I got a sore throat that had to be treated with antibiotics."

"This is unplanned?" The doctor asked in surprise. "I'm sorry, it's incredibly unprofessional of me to ask like this"

"It's okay" Brianna answered with a soft smile "It is. We wanted a family, but hadn't planned it so soon."

An understanding nod was the answer from the doctor. Not long after, Brianna was lying on the marquise as the physician turned the equipment on for the echography. Yuzuru was sitting by her side with one hand wrapped in hers, caressing the top of her hand with his thumb in reassurance.

The doctor fumbled around her belly, carefully looking for their precious treasure. It took a while, but she reassured them it was only normal since the baby was still so small.

Eventually, she did find it. Both Yuzu and Brianna took a while to understand the image being shown, but after a short explanation, they finally began to see the shape of their small baby on the screen.
When Bri looked at her husband, his eyes were glossy, they usually got like that whenever he was about to cry and she just squeezed his hand in support.

Once everything was deemed healthy, the couple got to ask whatever questions they might have. And Yuzuru certainly had a lot, from what she could and couldn't eat to embarrassing Brianna by asking if they could have sex normally.

The doctor was reassuring that all doubts were valid and answered every single one of his questions without a flinch.

They left the office with huge grins on their faces, Yuzuru holding the image of the eco in his hand, seemingly too obsessed to stop looking.
Brianna could only look at him with love, if she ever had doubts about him, she didn't have any presently, the man was her life now and she couldn't even imagine a life without him by her side.

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