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Their lives were now a bit busier with all the planning. They knew that Sendai was a fairly safe place, where most people respected his privacy, but still were more aware than ever that everyone was suspicious about Yuzuru's relationship status.

To Brianna's amazement, Yuzu never confirmed any engagement or marriage in the interviews of his streamed practice. Every single time he was asked about the ring on his finger he either avoided the question or answered with something like "Never seen a ring before?" or another cringe comment that made Brianna laugh every time she read parts of the interviews.

Somehow, even with all the avoidance, social media was fairly certain he was in a serious relationship. The doubt seemed to be the mark that the ring symbolized. While some thought it was a mere compromise ring, a lot of people seemed to believe the skater was as far as already being married.

Anyone from his coaching class and the staff of the rink knew without a doubt who was the lucky lady. But only the close ones knew that they were engaged.

Still, in any other situation, they tried to be careful in public. Not because they didn't want the relationship public, but because Yuzuru was worried about her safety and the girl kept refusing bodyguards.

Even with all the care, it was certain that they would go public. It started with a few blurry pictures of them talking excitedly that someone managed to take at the rink. They suspected it was one of his student's parents from the distance and angle of the pictures. It came to a point they were scared of even speaking in public to give people the chance to invade their privacy. It was tough and one of the first tests they would have to endure.

It was the middle of the night and they were both sleepless, thinking about the last few weeks. They didn't say a word for about an hour, just staring at the ceiling and caressing each other's backs silently.

Eventually, Brianna broke the silence.

"I think we should tell everyone"

"Hum? What?!" He was still a bit numb from thinking and barely registered what she said before speaking.

"We will have to eventually, it's getting harder and harder... Might as well do it on our own terms"

"Okay. I know what you mean, but how would we do it?"

"I don't know, how do you usually do these things?"

"Press release? Probably?"

Brianna started laughing "I can't imagine doing a full formal document and releasing it to the media to say I'm getting married"

"We can do it on social media..."

"We can"

"And we will piss off every single news outlet"

"As if you care..."

He giggled and brought her even closer.

"Social media it is"


"I think we can wait until the morning"


Yuzuru eventually fell asleep, she stared at him in his peaceful state, a million thoughts in her head. She was incredibly lucky that this man somehow chose her.
Brianna got out of his hold and the bed, took a blanket from the closet to wrap around her to avoid the cold, and headed to the kitchen.

The girl made some warm tea and sat by the living room window, looking into the Sendai night and thinking to herself.

She was certain people would talk about her the moment they announced the engagement. This was something that never concerned her previously but that has been on her head ever since she read a comment she shouldn't have. 'If he's hiding her it's either because he doesn't give a shit about her or because he knows she doesn't deserve him. It's not love, I bet it's just something to get media attention. A shame... She's probably ugly too'

Her brain told her the person wasn't right, but her heart was still worried that others would think the same. That this was just some stunt or that she didn't deserve him. Comments about her look didn't phase her, but everything else did.

Brianna didn't know how much time she spent looking into the void of the night alone with her thoughts. Only when a warm hand touched her shoulder she realized that an hour had passed, the tea she was holding long cold, and almost untouched. Yuzuru took the mug from her and placed it on a small table before wrapping his arms around her.

"Talk to me" he said, clear worry on his face.

"I'm afraid"

"Of what?"

"That they think I'm not good enough"

Yuzuru wasn't expecting this from her, he always saw her as confident. At the same time, he knew that this was most likely a natural response to something she saw.

"Oh Bri...What did you read, baby?"

"Just some random post, it's dumb. But I still wonder if they aren't right"

"Whatever it was, they aren't"

"You have to say that..."

"Show me what you read..."

The girl had the post saved, fully aware she shouldn't even be looking at it in the first place, let alone have it so accessible for a re-read.

He stared at the post for a few seconds before a sigh escaped him.


"I know...just my head"

"You have doubts about how much I care about you? You think all I want is the media attention?"

"No... I just"

"Do I have to prove how much you mean to me?"


"I'll show you" was all he answered before kissing her lips, trying to convey all the emotions he felt without words. There wasn't a defined plan in his head, but going with the flow always worked with them.

Not long after, their clothes were scattered around the floor while they made out passionately, Brianna on his lap, both bodies wrapped with the blanket she had with her. He thrust into her slowly, without words but with his eyes well fixed on hers.

Moans and groans filled the spacious room as they searched for the ultimate pleasure. Intimately joined, Yuzuru whispered sweet words in her ear as he sped up his thrusts and gave her exactly what she needed for her climax. He followed soon after, releasing deep inside of her, head on the girl's shoulder panting for breath. Recovering, he realized what he had done.

"Oh fuck, I forgot..."

Brianna knew what he meant right away and interrupted him "I'm on the pill, started two months ago. We're fine."

"You didn't tell me" he said with a small pout, still in the same position.

"I just figured it would be more practical. Why do you sound disappointed?"

"Don't be mad, I swear I didn't do it on purpose... But Is it weird I want babies?"

Brianna laughed and caressed his hair, placing a kiss on the top of his head, making the man purr with enjoyment.

"Babies? Multiple?"

"Single children are very lonely" he replied without much thought, but proud of himself.

"What happened to getting married first?"

"I guess we can wait a little longer"

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