Episode 1

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Somewhere in Seoul

Random men: Congratulations Mr.Kim and Mr.Park

Mr.Park: (smiles widely) Thanks Mr.Choi

Mr.Kim: (hugged him) welcome Mr.Kang

Maid: Mr.Park, Mr.Kim your wives are calling you (bow and left)

Mr.Park & Mr.Kim: Excuse us (left)

Mr.Kang: They merge their companies in the name of their son’s weddings

Mr.Choi: (confused) What do you mean Mr.Kang

Mr.kang: Don’t you know? (Mr.Choi shakes his head as ‘No’) Actually their companies are in Top 2 and Top 3places in South Korea. Jeon enterprises has been ranked No 1 for over 15 years. They tried to many ways to bring down Jeon enterprises, but their fate they didn’t succeed. A few months ago they come to know that their sons loves each other. At first they were against the love of their sons as they was rivals. But then they decided to merge their companies through the name of their sons’s marriage. If they merge their companies, their position will automatically come to the 1st position.

Mr.Choi: So basically this is a business deal

Mr.Kang: we can say that. But their sons dyingly love each other

Mr.Choi: Their sons names
Mr.Kang: Mr.Kim has three sons, eldest son names Kim SeokJin, he eloped with a café boy Namjoon. So they have any connection with him now because Namjoon middle class family. Kim Yoongi second son, is the one who is getting engaged today to Mr.Park’s only son Park Jimin. Third son Kim Taehyung

Mr.Choi: I heard that his last two sons had not yet completed their studies

Mr.Kang: Yes, you heard right. Yoongi is 22 years old and final year in college, Jimin and Taehyung are 20 years old. Hid first son Jin is 23 years old, his husband 21 years old. They forced his son to marry someone 10 years older than him, just for their business deal. So he left his home and married that café boy

Mr.Choi: So they want to regain their reputation through this marriage (shooks his head) What a cheapest parents they are……

Mr.Kang: They will do anything for money, they (cut off by)

Host: Ladies and gentle man very good evening to you all. All the news channels in South Korea are here, aren’t they? Okay guys, let’s start the ceremony, so let’s welcome the grooms….. please guys come to the stage.

[Within minutes, the bride and groom entered the aisle and caught everyone's attention. Every camera started clicking photos. Yoongi and Jimin stand on the stage and soon the ceremony started. after the ceremony all the guests returned to their home including The Kims and Parks.]

Name: Kim Seokjin

Name: Kim Seokjin

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