Episode 15

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[Yoongi was working in his studio and Jungkook was preparing for his upcoming exams today so he brought his son Yeonjun with him. Yeonjun was sleeping peacefully on his dad's lap while his dad was working on his laptop when Ji-ho came]

Ji-Ho: Hi Yoongi, good evening. How are you? How is work going?

Yoongi: (turned towards her) Yes, everything is going well. Don't you have enough money to buy a full line of clothes? Why do you always wear this kind of clothes? (Ji-ho wore a revealing dress that showed half of her chest, and the dress was too short)

Ji-Ho : (rolled her eyes) If anyone doesn't like me dressing like this, it's you. Maybe you're interested in me, Mr.Kim? (got closer to him)

Yoongi: Why can't you understand, you're not my type. If you are coming to meet me for the same purpose then don't come again. Now I am married

Ji-Ho: I don't understand what's the difference between me and that Jimin. If you love Jimin, why can't you give me a chance?

Yoongi: I loved him. Now he is my past, now I have a husband and a son, keep this in your mind

[Before any of them could speak, Yeonjun woke up from his sleep. He rubs his eyes cutely, Yoongi squeals at the sight and kisses both of his eyes, earning a giggle from his son. Ji-Ho felt like a third wheel between father and son. She didn't like Yoongi giving the boy his full attention. He may be a little boy but she wants Yoongi's full attention on her]

Ji-Ho: Can I hold him for a few minutes, I really like him (without waiting for Yoongi's reply she forcefully took the baby from Yoongi's lap) Hello baby…….

Yoongi: (worried) Be careful, don't hold him like that. He won't like the way you hold him.

Ji-ho: (rolled her eyes) I will not drop your son Yoongi, trust me. look at me baby (She kisses the boy's chubby cheeks. Yeonjun stares at her face in silence)

Yoongi: (strokes Yeonjun's cheeks with his fingers) What happened baby? why are you silent

Ji-Ho: (widen eyes) WHAT THE HELL (Hearing her scream, Yeonjun flinched and looked at his father) YOU BRAT, DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH THIS DRESS COST? (That's all Yeonjun cried out loud and Yoongi took him in his arms to stop his crying and bouncing him a little.)

Yoongi: Don’t cry champ, dad is here……. Shhhhhh ……. Don’t cry baby….. You can leave now Ji-ho

JI-Ho: (widen eyes) What? Are you asking me out for this little s*it? Don't you see, he peed on my expensive clothes

Yoongi: One more word about my son I will kill you. You are the one who took him from my lap, he did not come to you by himself. He is only one year old, what can you expect from him. He does not know what is right and what is wrong. Get out of my sight now, before I lose my temper. (He speaks in his calm but dangerous husky voice because he doesn't want to scare his son)

Ji-Ho: OK, I'm going. But keep in your mind that you are ruining your life because of these two worthless creations (left)

Two days later

[Today Jin came to Yoongi's house for their office work and now both of them are working in Yoongi's bedroom. Yoongi and Jungkook share different bedrooms. Jungkook was preparing dinner for everyone]

Jin: How is life going for you two?

Yoongi: As always, hyung. Why are you suddenly asking?

Jin: (sighed) I asked if there was any improvement between the two of you? You know what I mean, right? You two can't stay like this for long

Yoongi: (stopped what he is doing and looked at his hyung) I know hyung, but I don't want to take any further steps in our relationship right now

(Just then Jungkook comes to give them juice, he stops before knocking on the door as Yoongi talks about their relationship. He decided to listen to them, he knew it was wrong but it was both of their lives so there was nothing wrong with listening)

Jin: Yoongi what do you mean? Don't you like him? Did you marry Jungkook to take responsibility for Yeonjun? He is a 21 year old boy, Yoongi. He must have high dreams about his married life

Yoongi: I know, hyung. He may have lofty dreams about married life. Yes, I only married him for our Yeonjun. Because being pregnant as a single parent at a young age, I didn't want society to call him with many names. I'm sure I like her as Yeonjun's mom. But I'm not sure I want him as a partner. I don't hate him.

yes, I want to start life with him. But I don't want to distract myself from making money. Money has taught us many lessons in these two years, hyung. I want to teach those money crocodiles that money is nothing. Do you remember, one day dad told me that music will not feed me in future? So I want to prove that his thoughts are wrong, he is wrong, his whole self is wrong. When Yeonjun grows up, he must be the prince of this Knorea. That's what I want now

[Jin hugged his brother tightly. Jungkook smiled tearfully and left without bothering them]

To be continue

Words: 918

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