Episode 22

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Yoongi: Hyung, let's go. (Jin hesitates) Hyung, his husband is here to take care of him, it shouldn't be our concern. We don't know who he lost years ago, maybe it was his girlfriend. So we can't help him in this matter

Jimin: (little voice) Only you two can cure his depression. He needs only the two of you. Both of you are responsible for his distress

Yoongi: (confused) what are you trying to say?

??: He's right, Yoongi. Unbeknownst to you both of you are the cause of Taehyung's this condition. So only you two can help him to cure depression and come out

Jin: Are you hiding something from us, Pattuma? How do you get here and how do you know we took Taehyung here?

Pattuma: (caressed his cheeks) Jimin told me about Taehyung. Jimin, tell them everything without hiding it. This is the perfect time for them to know all about their parent's plays. All three of you, listen to him without getting angry at them (She signaled Jimin to say everything. The trio turned to Jimin)

Jimin: (took a deep breath) After Jin Hyung married Namjoon, Taehyung also tried to move in with you. But he is got caught by your mother. Yoongi hyung had no idea because he was busy helping you both. The night you married Namjoon

Flash back

Mr.Kim: (slapped Taehyung) Where are you planning to go? He left you for him, if he truly loved you he wouldn't have left you for him. He loves his boyfriend more than you.

Tae: (crying) No, both my brothers love me more than anyone. They will do anything for me. If they find out you slapped me, they'll kill you, dad.

Mrs.Kim: (acting) Taehyung baby, listen to your parents. Do you think we would ever think separating our three children from each other? We love all three of you so much. But neither of them loved us, so they did not listen to us. But please baby, at least you listen to us (kissed his cheeks after wiping his tears)

Present time

Jimin: He hates Namjoon hyung since that day and he still thinks that Jin hyung left him because of him. So he tries to get closer to Yoongi Hyung to fill Jin Hyung's place in his heart. But when he came to see or talk to you, you were busy helping Jin hyung or Namjoon hyung. So using this opportunity your parents started brainwashing him. But somehow Yoongi Hyung got suspicious of his parents actions towards Taehyung so you told him to sleep with you.

Yoongi: Because one day when I was passing by his room I heard his crying voice. That's when I realized that he really misses Jin Hyung. So I filled Jin Hyung's place in Taehyung's life. I hand fed him like Jin hyung always does. But what he did, he wrote a letter to Jin Hyung asking him to die. Jin Hyung couldn't accept it because he loved Taehyung like his own son. Taehyung asking him to die affected him so much so that he tried to commit suicide by slitting his wrists. Somehow we saved him

Jimin: Because of this you scolded him and distanced yourself from him.

Pattuma: But little did the three of you know that it was your parents' plan. As you both know very well, your father doesn't like it when someone goes against his will. He hated that his first son had married someone who wasn't as elite as they were, and his second son didn't want to take over his father's position. Now he has only a third son, who is the puppet of his brothers. So he hired someone to write the letter you mentioned, and that person wrote exactly like Taehyung's handwriting. So you all believe Taehyung wrote it. Taehyung still doesn't know about the letter.

Jimin: Your dad said he would kill Jin and Namjoon if he tried to get close to his Jin hyung. That's why he started avoiding you, hyung.

Kook: (little voice) Why did he say that I came to his life only to take away his brothers from him?

Jimin: He doesn't like one of his brothers talking to anyone but me and him in college. That's why he hated his brother's friends. He felt insecure that if they both talked to others they would forget him

Yoongi: What rubbish this is. He is our brother and no one can take his place. Tell me which brothers in the world would tell their younger siblings that they love them

Jimin: (Yell) BECAUSE YOUR DAD SAID HE WAS AN UNWANTED CHILD AND THEY DIDN'T PLAN HIS BIRTH. (Jin, Yoongi and Jungkook widens their eyes. Jimin sighed and continued) Your father told him that if he played with Jungkook's feelings, he would let him meet Jin hyung. He believed it to be true, so we both did it to you, Jungkook. I admit that we only thought about getting his brother, we forgot to think that you are a boy with a heart

Pattuma: After you married Jungkook, you raised your hands to him first, Yoongi. And so his hatred for Jungkook only grew, and your father used this slander to completely turn him over to them.

Jin: But what did Jungkook do to Dad? Why did he play with the life and heart of an innocent boy who had nothing to do with him?

Jimin: Just to destroy the Jeons. He used his three sons and Jungkook for that. Why did you both leave him with your father? Why didn't you take him with you?

Jin: (looking down) Dad kidnapped Namjoon and beat him to death because I tried to get close to Taehyung.

Yoongi: (side hugged Jin) Dad played well to keep the two of us away from Taehyung, he blocked all three of us from getting close to Taehyung.

[Before anyone could say anything more, a nurse came up to them and said]

Nurse: Sir, patient Kim Taehyung opened his eyes. You can meet him if you want.

Pattuma: Everything Taehyung did was wrong, but only when it came to Jungkook. He did everything to bring you both back into his life, just for you both. Only three of you are allowed in his world. Only you two can change him. Change him. Teach him.

[Everyone waited for Yoongi's response. Yoongi sighed and nodded to Jin. Jin smiled widely before running towards Taehyung's room. Yoongi walks up to Jungkook and kisses his forehead as he closes his eyes to feel his husband's lips on his skin]

Yoongi: I will call Kai to take you to our house. After he arrives you go with him, Yeonjun will be waiting for us. (Jungkook smiles and kisses his cheeks again before shaking his head. Yoongi sighs and walks into the room. Jimin wipes away his tears and sits in a chair, his hands still rubbing his stomach. Jungkook walks towards him and sits next to him]

To Be Continue.............. 

Words: 1152

Just a play - Yoonkook ✔️✔️ (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now