Episode 12

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At night

[It was 11:30pm and everyone was sleeping soundly but not Yoongi. He was working on some music on a laptop given to him by Kai for his wedding. Kai also gifted him some musical equipment because everyone knows how much Yoongi loves music. He was so focused on the music that he didn't notice Jungkook getting there. After a while, when he was about to go get a drink of water, he noticed Jungkook staring intently at the laptop screen]

Yoongi: (chuckled) Why are you looking at the screen like that? Why are you awake so long, go to sleep. Today is your first day at work so you must be tired, right?

Kook: So what about you, hyung? Don't you feel tired? You've had two part-time jobs and now you work in music.

Yoongi: Those jobs are for money but this is for my happiness. You could say that music is like breathing to me. Yes, my body feels tired but my mind is not tired. Namjoon wrote a song in class today, so now I'm going to compose the song.

Kook: Does Namjoon Hyung like music too?

Yoongi: Yes, Namjoon and I will always make music together. Before his marriage he and I always worked on music together on weekends. He said he would join me today but he was too tired so I told him to sleep. Do you have any hobbies?

Kook: Yes. I like to dance and sing
Yoongi: Then, it would be great if you sing in this song because Namjoon and I both love rapping. Trust me if you hear us sing you will hate music forever. You will never hear music again in your life

Kook: (chuckled) Are you both really bad at singing?

Yoongi: We are both good at rapping and composing. But no dancing and singing. Jhope and Kai are both good dancers and Jin Hyung is good at singing

Kook: Do you have any rap songs that you both sing? I want listening to those songs

Yoongi: Namjoon has those songs on his laptop and i will ask him tomorrow

Kook: Hyung, can I ask you something? (Yoongi nodded) Can we get out of this house, I don't want to disturb them. We are invading their privacy

Yoongi: I'm thinking the same thing, I've already looked at a house. We can go to that house next month, don't worry.

Few months later

Kook: I swear Yeonjun if you throw the food again I will spank you. Not even your dad can save you from me today. (Jungkook was scolding his one year son who kept throwing food. But was the boy scared, no he kept doing it) Yahhh you brat, listen to me at least once in your life. I carried you in my womb for nine months and gave birth to you, so give me some respect

[Yeonjun stopped what he was doing and looked at his mother before flashing his toothless smile. Jungkook poked his nose lightly earning a giggle from his son. He picked him up from the sofa he was sitting on. He planted some kisses on his chubby cheeks and in return his son sucked his mom's cheeks so that his mom's face was covered with saliva. Both laughed out loud at their actions]

??: What are you two doing without me? (Yeonjun Started to bouning in his mom’s hold, seeing his dad after few hours) Missed dada? (he came closer to them and sqeezing the chubby cheeks of his son) wait honey. Dada  will come after bath

Kook: Please come quickly and get this minion, Yoongi hyung. I have to clean the house. He threw the food across the room

Yoongi: (chuckled) give just 10 minutes…….

[It's been 2 years now, a year ago Jungkook gave birth to a baby boy. They named him Min Yeonjun. Yoongi and Jin finished their studies 1.5 years ago and now both work in a small industry company. Namjoon and Jhope also graduated last year. Jungkook was the only one now studying that too from home, since he couldn't go to college during pregnancy. Namjin also has a son, Taehyun (6 months). Namjoon takes care of his son while Jin goes to work. He still runs his cafe. Now they all live with enough money]

[After putting Yeonjun to sleep, Yoongi and Jungkook were talking in the living room]

Kook: Have you went any other entertainment companies today and what did they say?

Yoongi: (sigh) They said talent is not important, they want recommendation from our parents. Because my dad and your dad have already threatened all the companies. So they are afraid to give us a chance against the top two companies in Korea

Kook: So why not start a new company yourself?

Now I think I've cleared everything, why Yoongi left Jimin and married Jungkook.

To be continue.....

Words: 817

Just a play - Yoonkook ✔️✔️ (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now