Episode 25

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[The doctor said that Taehyung would have to stay in the hospital overnight. So he stayed at the hospital that night and Yoongi and Jin stayed with him at the hospital. Jimin stayed at Kaihope's house because he stayed with Taehyung at the hospital, according to Taehyung's parents. The next day Taehyung returned to his house with Jimin. As they entered Taehyung's parents rushed over and hugged him]

Mrs.Kim: Are you okay, baby? Neither of us could close our eyes even for a minute because all our thoughts were on you. Seeing you passed out in Yoongi's arms broke both of our hearts.

[Hearing her fake worried words, Jimin tries to say something, but Taehyung stops him by grabbing his hands]

Tae: (little smile) I know mom you worry too much about me don't worry I'm fine. I know you two didn't come because Yoongi took me to the hospital. I am not a child and I know who to trust. I didn't misunderstand you so don't worry (Jimin looked at him annoyed)

Mr.Kim: Well, get ready, we are getting late to the office. It is already 8.30 am and we have to meet the manager of XXX bank for loan at 10.00 am.

Jimin: Are you really his dad? He has just been discharged from the hospital and he is very weak, but you order him to come to the office without telling him to rest.

Mr.Kim: (sternly) Don't dictate what I should or shouldn't do, I know what I'm doing. He is my son and the CEO of my company, so he has to fulfill his duties. And as a COO you should also come to the office with us

Pattuma: Sorry to intrude sir, but since Jimin sir is two months pregnant, traveling and stress can become dangerous for his unborn baby.


Tae: (shout) DON'T TALK TO HER LIKE THIS, DAD......... (sigh) Like you said we will both come to the office but Jim will return home immediately after the meeting because I don't want anything to happen to him or my baby.

(With that, he took Jimin's hand and pulled him to their room)

Mrs.Kim: Are you sure that after we take the loan, we will build our companies as before and pay all the debts?

Mr.Kim: My plan will succeed if Yoongi doesn't interfere. I know my son very well, he won't let us grow up but he loves his little brother. My three sons would do anything for their brothers. So Yoongi won't do anything could affect Taehyung. That's why I'm taking loans in Taehyung's name. (smirks)

With Vmin

Tae: (closed the door behind them) Don't fight with them or don't talk back to them

Jimin: (scoffed) Why? Don't you see they are using you? Years ago they used us for their victory and now they plan to use you to save them from your brothers. In the past we believed their words like puppies because we were not mature then, but now you are mature enough to understand their words, right? Then why you listen to their words and obey?

[Taehyung said nothing and walked towards the bed with a smile on his face. Taehyung's smile and action confused Jimin]

Tae: Let them speak fake more words, Jimin. In the past I did everything they said because I thought they were helping me reach my brothers. But now I am not going to listen to their words, because I have already got my brothers back..... My Jin hyung and My Yoongi hyung (smiling widely)

Jimin: (confused) What happened when they met you? What did they tell you? (Taahyung explained to him everything that happened between the three brothers)

Just a play - Yoonkook ✔️✔️ (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now