Episode 26

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Jin: Hello what help do you need from WWH

Kook: (rolled his eyes) I need your help to find something, only you can help me as you have a PhD in this

Jin: Looks like your brain is finally starting to work. (Jungkook rolls his eyes) Now tell me in what you this handsome man's help

Kook: Can we talk seriously, hyung? It's about me and your brother

Jin: (worried) is everything okay?

Kook: Everything is fine but my heart and mind are not fine. I didn't know who to ask, that's why I called you

Jin: I'm here for you, tell me. Planning to move a little closer to your relationship?

Kook: (took a deep breath) I don't know what my heart desires. I accept that I like him. I accepted him as my husband ten years ago. I love all of his. How He takes care of me, fulfills my wishes and takes care of my feelings. I fully own all of his but something is missing between us. I don't know what's missing

Jin: If you want to find the missing thing between your relationship, you both need to take the next step in your relationship. You two can't be like this forever. It is not important to own each other's property, money and everything. The most important thing in a relationship is to own your partner's heart, mind and ultimately body. I hope I didn't make you uncomfortable

Kook: No, hyung. I understand what you're saying, but I'm not sure I'm ready to give him full ownership of mine or he's ready to give me full ownership of him.

Jin: Well, be honest, do you feel uncomfortable when he is around you? Do you get jealous when someone approaches him? Do you ever feel like he belongs to you?

Kook: I never felt uncomfortable when he was around me. I feel very safe with him. Yes, I intend to burn him alive whenever anyone tries to get close or touch him, at that point I thinks I own him, so no need to worry. (He said through gritted teeth and Jin giggled at this)

Jin: It is clear that you are ready to give yourself to him. It means you love him, Jungkook (few minutes silent) Are you?

Kook: Yes, I love him hyung.....

Jin: Then what are you waiting for go tell him your feelings and start your life.

Kook: But I don't know what's on his mind. What if he doesn't love? What will he think of me?

Jin: Then let's find about it that

Kook: (confused) How?????

Jin: (smirks) Make him jealous.

[At night, Yoongi, Jungkook, and Yeonjun were on their way to America for their concert, in which they will be performing together. It was their private plane where Yeonjun and Jungkook were sleeping in the private room. Yoongi was on the phone call with Taehyung]

Yoongi: What did the bank manager say about the loan? He didn't accept the loan, did he?

Tae: No hyung, he didn't agree because one of the properties should be in my name. You already know about our dad

Yoongi: Yes, I know he won't write any of his properties in your name. What is his next plan?

Tae: he said to meet another bank manager. But two days later not tomorrow

Yoongi: Every bank manager will say the same. Do you have any property in your name?

Tae: Yes, hyung. Two years ago I bought a mansion in my name, but no one knew about it, including Jimin

Yoongi: Well, make sure our dad doesn't know about this. Start renovating that mansion and I'll tell Namjoon and Kai to send some people to help you. I'm going to America for a concert and I'll be back in a week, Jin hyung and Namjoon will cut off every source of money from dad's company before I come back. After that he should listen to us, after we take down our dad and Jimin's dad and Jungkook's dad companies, you go to your mansion with your family.

Concert Night- after the Concert

[Jungkook was in his room and Yeonjun was sleeping peacefully next to him. Jungkook was biting his nails very nervously. A knock on his room door startled him, taking a deep breath he went to open the door where he saw his manager Lisa]

Lisa: Jungkook Mr.Min called you to his room and asked me to take care of Yeonjun. So you go, I'll take care of Yeonjun

Kook: (nervously) Lisa, is he very angry?

Lisa: (done face) yes, he is. You should have thought before wearing that dress, didn't I say you shouldn't wear that dress? Now you are going to suffer the consequences. He is very angry. Go before that angry cat gets even more angry

[Well let me explain to you guys. Jungkook wore a revealing outfit to the concert as per Jin's advice. Yoongi didn't know about this before the performance, which shocked and angered him. When Jungkook changed his outfit and entered the stage, the entire arena screamed at the top of their lungs. Everyone in the arena felt so happy and surprised but Jungkook's soul left his body when he noticed Yoongi's dead glare on him. Jungkook didn't meet Yoongi after the concert, he successfully avoided Yoongi. He arrived at the hotel with his manager, he thought to meet Yoongi tomorrow after his anger calmed down a bit. Now he was standing outside Yoongi's room with a shaking hand, before he could knock on the door the door opened and a hand pulled him in and closed the door pinning him in it. Jungkook's eyes were closed tightly]

To Be Continue..............

Words: 927

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