Episode 9

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After the wedding

Yoongi: (sigh) Thank you very much for coming and now you all can go. Our family needs to talk alone for a while.

(Everyone left, including the medias except for the Kim family and the Park family)

Yoongi: Come on start cursing us, why are you silent? I know you are waiting for it (He had his hands in his pants pockets)

Mr.Kim: Stop showing me your attitude, I am your father. How can you marry him without my permission? He is the son of our enemy, knowing this you married him. I know you always likes to disobey my orders, but never in my wildest dreams did I think you would marry my rival's son. Are you really our son? Have you decided not to listen to me even once in your life? I forgot one thing, if you had been with me or your mother in your childhood we should have expected you to be like us. You have considered that Jin as your mother since your childhood, so it is no big deal that you have did this just like him.

Mr.Park: But what did my son do wrong and why did you punish him? He didn't do anything wrong except loving you, but you played with his feelings. As a father seeing my son's tears I say one day you will lose everything in your life. You and this boy you married will be in the same position as my son is today.

Jimin: (wipes his tears harshly) It's not Yoongi Hyung's fault dad it's just this guy's fault. Why did you come between us? You are a curse. No one likes you, not even your parents. They first arranged your marriage with an old man and now they throw you out of their house like garbage. Did you hear me, a piece of trash. you are nothing.

[Jungkook remained silent, but all the while tears were streaming from his eyes as he continued to stare at Taehyung, who stood there like a statue. He chuckled slightly which caught everyone's attention. He wiped the tears away again before speaking]

Kook: Yes, I'm nothing.....I'm trash.......but this trash never wanted to be born into Jeon's family or to be loved by this Kim Taehyung. Mr.Kim Taehyung open your mouth, I'm the one who followed you to love me. I was the one who proposed him first. I am a fool. Everyone who truly loved me in the world always told me not to believe your words easily and not to accept your love easily. But this foolish heart believed your words more than others. I never doubted your love that's why I gave you my all, even my body. Didn't you feel a little guilty when you touch my body? Mr.Park, your words are true but I already feel the pain your son is feeling now. But no one in this world can feel my pain.

Tae: Just don't talk like it's all my fault. There is nothing I can do about you being such a delusional boy. That's what everyone told you, don't trust him, it was your fault for loving me even then. What you are experiencing now is the punishment for your stupidity. I already have a girlfriend and she has my baby in her womb.

[Before he could say any more words, he was punched in the face. The man who punched him grabbed him by the collar and shook him]

Yoongi: You are the only one here who is naive and delusional. Open your eyes and see this world with your own eyes and then you will see the real world. Our father is also using you for his own purposes and he has no affection for you other than you are one of his business deals. (He pushed him by his collar) Has he ever shown us what the Father's love is? Did our mother ever feed us?

No.....they only hired maids to take care of us. Did our mother ever give you mother's milk? No, because she thought that if she breastfed her children, she would lose her beauty. What did you say Mr.Kim, I follow my brother? Yes, for me he is my mom and dad. He was there for me when I longed for my mother's warmth, my father failed to protect me as a father when other children beat me in my childhood but he did. He taught me the difference between money and love. It is the duty of parents to teach their son good and bad but as a parent you have failed in your duty. But let me tell you something today, your money doesn't go everywhere with you.

(He moved closer to Jimin) I don't regret doing this. I have already asked you many times what you two are hiding from me, but you have not said anything. Don't cry you are wasting your tears. You are not as beautiful from your heart as you are from your face, I already knew this, but I hoped that you would change someday. That day will never come, day by day you are changing like our parents. I know it's hard to change you, but I thought I could change you with my love. But you don't see my true love.

The people I love have never seen my love behind this cold face, except for Jin Hyung, even my little brother. I love you from my heart that's why I shared every thing without any secret but you didn't, that means you never loved me like I love you. (Unknowingly a tear fell from his eyes)

One day you both will regret your actions but don't expect forgiveness at that time because enemies can be forgiven but traitors are not. Today you have lost your second son too and we are leaving.

Tae: Mark my words, hyung. You will regret marrying a guy like him. He only knows how to cry and cling. A person who loves Jimin can't live with this annoying boy for more than a week. You'll regret marrying Jungkook to save his pride rather than Jimin.

Yoongi: I loved Jimin with all my heart but not anymore. Both of you are blinded by money and fame. Let's see what your future looks like after cheating on an innocent boy like Jungkook.

[Saying this, he and Jungkook left the place. Kai and his parents ask them to stay with them, but Yoongi doesn't want his parents to disturb the Kai family. So he decided to stay with Namjinhope for a few days. Now he and Jungkook were on their way to Namjin's house in Kai's car. Kai was driving the car, Yoongi was in the passenger seat, and Jungkook was in the back seat. As Jungkook looked outside, the scenes had happened in his house two days ago flashed through his mind]

To be continue.......

Words : 1161

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