Episode 20

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[Taehyung was waiting for Jimin in their room after dinner,Jimin had gone to put Soobin to sleep. Moments later, the door to the room opened and Jimin walked in. Taehyung got up from the bed. Jimin walks towards the closet to ignore him, but Taehyung stops him]

Tae: Didn't you notice me? I want to talk to you about something important

Jimin: But I don't want to listen to you.

Tae: It's very important. It's about the fetus you carry in your womb (Jimin stops in his tracks and turns to Taehyung with his hands on his belly)

Jimin: I'm not going to have abortion. It's my baby. If you don't want this child, give me divorce and I will go with my child

Tae: (chuckled sarcastically) When did you start caring about children? Don't talk like that you are a saint and I am a demon. did you forget? For money, you thoughtlessly aborted Yoongi Hyung's baby

[Tears form in Jimin's eyes and he slaps Taehyung hard across the face before walking into the bathroom. Taehyung throws all the things in the room in anger. Jimin turned on the shower and sat under the water. Tears fall from his eyes and he now understands the pain Jungkook felt ten years ago.They both always fight behind each other's back. But they act like a ideal couple in front of everyone. After marriage they never spoke sweetly to each other. Ten years ago, he had someone close to him who really cared about him, but he had no one]

Next day at Kim enterprises

Mr.Kim: WHAT? (He got up from his seat in shock) WHY IS EVERYONE DOING THIS ALL OF A SUDDEN?

Assistant: I don't know the reason but they said they don't want to go against YJ

Mr.Kim: I never thought my sons would play like this (he grabbed his hair in frustration)

Assistant: Sir, we got a invitation from YJ, today the presidents are having a birthday party for their son.

Mr.Kim: Tell Taehyung and Jimin about this. Tell them we're all going to that party

(His assistant bows and leaves. The same goes for Jeons)

[At night, every businessman in Korea gathered at Yoonkook's mansion. Everyone was amazed at the grandeur of the mansion. Now it's time for the Kims and Jeons to enter. Kims and Parks arrive there]

Mrs.Kim: Oh god, is this where our Yoongi and Jin live? Honey, let's go and meet them. I can't wait to meet them ( At that time the Jeons also came there)

Mrs.Jeon: Don't forget my son also lives here. He gave birth to the child. Let's go dear, we also have to meet our son

Mrs.Park: (whisper to Jimin) You are a loser Jimin, if you had that Yoongi you would be in this house today

[Jimin wanted to yell at them, but somehow he calmed himself because he deserved this. He did everything because of his parents. He thought money would give him everything but now he has nothing but money. But that money is now in Yoongi's hands. Soon a familiar voice caught their attention]

??: Taehyun, didn't I say don't touch anything? Then why are you touching it? Come before the glass breaks

Taehyun: Mom, I won't break it. I want to hold it, please let me hold it

??: You have your dad's special powers, so you both break things just with your gaze. So let's go. Your Jhope uncle has arrived.

Taehyun: I'm going to meet Uncle Hobi........ (ran towards Jhope's direction)

??: YAHHHH....... DON'T RUN, YOU WILL FALL......

Mrs.Kim: Jin my baby......... How are you dear ........ (She went towards him and tried to hug him but he backed away)

Jin: Sorry Mrs. Kim, I have some standards. My dress costs three times as much as yours, so hugging you would make mine dirty.

Mr.Kim: (gritted his teeth) Is this how you talk to your mother, Jin? Don't forget that we gave birth to you

Jin: Yes, you only gave birth but you did nothing. Did you so-called wife ever breastfeed her three sons? No.........she never did. Do you know how much Taehyung would cry as a baby for his mother's hugs? How do you know how much Yoongi and I struggled to stop him from crying (Taehyung looked at his brother) Where did you go when your business partner tried to touch me? Where did you go when Mr. Sung's daughter accused Yoongi to rape? Yoongi saved me that day and I saved him from that false accusation. So for me he is my protector and for him I am his mother. You are nobody to us. (went to Taehyung) open your eyes Don't you remember how much Yoongi and I sacrificed for your happiness? Now everyone says Yoongi is a ideal man, but because of you he became a ideal man. We are the ones who raised you. Our so called parents didn't come to protect you when your classmates beat you, Yoongi and I were the only ones who saved you.

Tae: (looking somewhere) Then why did you leave me with them? Why didn't you take me with you when left with Namjoon?

Jin: (chuckled) They said if I come near you or in front of you, we will kill Namjoon and Jhope. Open your eyes and listen to your heart and you will get your answer. (left)

[The guests started screaming as Yoongi and Jungkook came down with Yeonjun. Everyone turned to look at them. Jungkook had Yeonjun in his arms and Yoongi wrapped his arms around Jungkook's waist. Yoongi leads his family towards the cake. Soon everyone started singing birthday song and Yeonjun cut the cake and fed it to his parents. Yoongi and Jungkook kissed Yeonjun on the cheeks at the same time and everyone clapped. After his dad put him down, Yeonjuun ran with Taehyun to show off his new outfit to his friends. Yoongi and Jungkook were talking to the guests. When they saw their parents they went towards them. Mr and Mrs.kim ​​didn't try to say anything, if Jin talked this much, then Yoongi would burn them with words. They know him very well]

Yoongi: (formally) Why are you all standing like this? Go enjoy the party

Mrs.Jeon: Jun........... (cut off by Jungkook)

Kook: No one is interested in watching your performance Mrs. Jeon, so keep your words with you. Let's go hyung, Seeing their faces irritates me (Yoongi chuckled and both left)

Mrs.Jeon: His son's father is someone but he shows his son's real father's brother to the world as his son's father

Tae: (confused) What do you mean Mrs.Jeon?

Mrs.Jeon: Don't pretend you don't know anything. You're the one he loved before, right? He was pregnant when he left our home for you

Tae/ Jimin: (shock)

To Be Continue.............. 

Don't forget to Vote.............. 

Words: 1117

I have already posted the next episodes of this series on YouTube, you can watch there if you want. Series Name: Just a play (taekook Yoonmin ff/ Yoonkook vmin ff) Channel  Name: taekook magical world

Just a play - Yoonkook ✔️✔️ (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now