Episode 2

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At Kim mansion

[After returning home everyone was in the living room.]

Mr.Kim: Finally we are going to beat those Jeons. I am very happy now.

Mrs.Kim:  I can see it in your face honey. If only Jin had married Carl we should have reached that Top position earlier

Mr.Kim: (angry) Why are you bringing the name of that bastard, to spoil our moment in this happy moment?

Yoongi: (deep voice) Don't say anything about my brother. And don't be happy because of your business, can't you be happy for your son? Your son is getting married to his girlfriend, can't you both be happy with me? Please do not bring your business deal  to us. I love him, not for your stupid business. (left)

Mr.Kim: I really hate this side of your son. He knows very well how to destroy our happiness

Mrs.Kim: Don't you know about him, he is straight forward and he can't hide anything

Mr.kim: That is the problem. Can't he be like brothers? Jin won't talk to me like this in 23 years. Look Taehyung, don't go against me or don't talk to me like him. Got it? (Taehyung nodded his head like a kid)

[Yoongi has a habit of speaking straight to the face without putting anything in mind. He is not afraid of anyone. He will directly tell Mr Kim his mistakes. But Jin and Taehyung are not like that. Both of them are afraid to even look at their father's face. That's why he arranged Jin's wedding against Jin's will and which is why Jin eloped with Namjoon. In this case he couldn't talk to Yoongi about his marriage so he agreed because he didn't know what to do. And his last son Taehyung is like a puppet of him. He would do it without any debate or regret because for him his dad would have a reason for every action of his father. He thinks that father will do everything for their good. He now hates Jin because he went against his father's wishes. He is in second year of college. Yoongi is in his final year with Jin. Jin missed a year of his high school for some reason and is now studying with Yoongi. Namjoon is their Junior and Taehynug’s senior. As his parents died a year ago, he runs his parents' cafe. He works there after college. So his hotel is open from 2 pm to 10 pm. Now Jin also joined with him as a cook. And about their characters- Taehyung and Jimin are spoiled rich kids who don't want to talk to poor people. But Jin and Yoongi are the opposite of their characters, they don't judge others by their status. That's why they both are best friends with Namjoon, Jimin and Taehyung don't like it]

At Jeon Mansion

[Mr. Jeon throws everything everywhere, his wife tries hard to calm him down, and his only son stands behind a pillar and peeks out from time to time like a innocent kid. That kid is none other than Jeon Jungkook, who is 19 years old and a first year student at the same college as the Kim brothers]

Mrs.Jeon: Honey, please calm down...... Jeon calm down

Mr.Jeon: (stops and sat on the couch angrily) they won...... they won

Mrs.Jeon: (patting his solder) Don't worry honey, we'll get back to our position

Mr.Jeon: But How? Huh? How? (grabbed his hair in frustration)

Mrs.Jeon: I don't know, but let's find a way. Let's sleep. jungkook go to your room, you have college tomorrow, right? So go to sleep

[Jungkook ran towards his room without saying a word. He is very innocent and pure hearted. He can't take even a little harsh words. He was absolutely terrified of such things, so ran to his room as quickly as possible]

Next day at college

[Jungkook was taking his books from the locker]

Yugye: Can’t please stop embarrass me?

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