Episode 18

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[The next morning everyone eats breakfast at Kim's mansion and the maids serve it to them. But to Taehyung's shock Soobin eats his food without any tantrums, but the boy is too scared to see everyone. Soobin flinched a little when Mr. Kim called out his name and he nervously looked at Jimin who took the boy into his embrace. Taehyung just stared at everything without saying a word]

Mr.Kim: (stern) Soobin, get ready quickly I will drop you at your school today so eat. Taehyung has to go to the office early because we have an important meeting today

Tae: No need dad, I'll drop him (He said this after seeing how scared Soobin was when Mr. Kim said he would drop him off today. Pattuma took Soobin from Jimin and left the kitchen because she knew what was going to happen next. Mr.Kim doesn't like someone disobeying him, so he will scold Taehyung in front of everyone. No child likes when their father getting scold in front of them)

Mr.Kim: Are you disobeying my orders? From whom did you learn to talk to me like this? How dare you (He said in his deep voice but sternly)

Tae: And how dare you to slap my husband (he yelled and standing up from his seat. Mr and Mrs.Kim, and Jimin got up from their seats too) Who gave you the rights to raise your hands on my family in my absence.... (He walked towards his dad and faced him, he was taller than his dad so he towered him) You have every right to shout at me and order me but you have no right to order my family. Who are you to raise your hand on Jimin?

Mr.Kim: Don't forget that I am your father and your boss

Tae: Yeah, you're my dad, not my boss, so don't do this again. I will not talk like this next time. (He stormed out of the dining room leaving the speechless Mr&Mrs.Kim and Jimin)

[In the afternoon KJ Enterprises CEOs and presidents came to YJ Enterprises for a meeting. Now they are all waiting in the meeting room for the heads of YJ enterprises. Mr. Kim is the president of KJ enterprises and another President is Mr. Park. Taehyung is the CEO and Jimin is the COO. YJ enterprises have Yoongi and Jungkook as president and vice president, Jin and hope as CEOs, and Namjoon as legal advisor and COO. KJ enterprises leaders are waiting in the meeting room and soon the door of the meeting room is opened. They all looked at the door and to their shock their enemy, Jeon, entered with his group of peoples. They glared at each other]

Girl: Sir please everyone take your seats our CEO will be here in few minutes

Mr.Kim: But what is he doing here? Your CEO has already accepted our plan, right? Then why has he invited them here?

Girl: Sorry sir I don't know but our vice president himself personally invited them to this meeting. (She bowed slightly to them and left the meeting room)

Mr.Jeon: You may have defeated us in the position but still we have more popularity than you

Mr.Park: (smirks) But you can't deny that our CEO (Taehyung) is smarter than yours Mr.Jeon

[Before anyone could say anything the door to the meeting room opened again and this time Kai entered]

Mr.Kim: (rolled his eyes) Kai, are you invited to this meeting too?

Kai: Uncle, don't you know in this project they asked three companies for different plans and now they will announce who they chose and why? (Kai is the CEO and Chairman of Kim Carlow which is in fourth place. He didn't invite anyone from his family to his wedding, except his parents. So others don't know who his husband is)

Tae: (raised eye brows) Hyung, how did you know about this?

Kai: (sat on a chair) My husband told me he works here. So he knows

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