Episode 30

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[Now Taehyung was driving towards his mansion that he bought last year without anyone knowing. The mansion was a two-hour drive from his father's house and a half-hour drive from Yoongi and Jin's mansion. Jimin is confused as he doesn't know where Taehyung is taking him and Soobin. Soobin was sleeping peacefully in the back seat. Half an hour into their journey, Jimin asked, curious and confused]

Jimin: (silent voice) Where are we going Taehyung? Are you taking us to a hotel to stay tonight?

(He asked in a quiet and small voice, not wanting to provoke Taehyung's anger. He thought that Taehyung was angry because of what happened in the mansion, but he was shocked when Taehyung turned his head towards him and smiled)

Tae: (smiles) Trust me Jimin I will be the man my Jin and Yoongi hyungs wanted from now on………

[After another hour and a half of driving, Taehyung stopped in front of a mansion that wasn't as big as his father’s or brothers’. Jimin wakes Soobin up and the three of them go into the mansion. Taehyung ordered one of the maids to take Soobin to his room, which Taehyung had already prepared with the help of Jin and Kai. Now in the living room Taehyung and Jimin are sitting on the sofa facing each other. Taehyung said before Jimin asked]

Tae: I bought this house a year ago and no one knows about it. I didn't tell you about this because we both don't talk to each other. I didn't plan to use this mansion right now so I left it like this and last week Yoongi Hyung advised me to renovate it..... (silence for a few minutes) Aish….. I forgot to give you something, wait here I will come back. ………. (He came back in five minutes with a bag) Here take this, I bought this for you when I return from office

(Confused, Jimin took the bag from Taehyung's hand. Seeing the things Taehyung bought for him made him smile widely. He smiled wildly before hugging Taehyung tightly)

Jimin: Thank you so much my soulmate. You have no idea how much I longed for these items (Saying this he starts eating the chips with jam and moans at the taste)

Tae: (in mind) Oh God…….. Hopefully this weird habbit of him will be normal after his pregnancy (made an eww face when Jimin moaned at the taste of cake with ketchup) I think if I stay here a few more minutes I will throw up everything I ate

Tae: Jimin, you eat and I'll go see if Soobin fell asleep or not (Jimin tugged on his wrist before he got up from his seat. He looked at Jimin with a nervous smile who was looking at him with very innocent eyes)

Jimin: (forwarding the cake piece with was filled with ketchup) Don't go before you try it. Eat this it is very tasty and I am sure you will get addicted to this taste

Tae: (open mouth) No I bought this for you not me. You are the one carrying the child, not me. so you should eat more. Eat well

Jimin: (stern) No, try this. Tell me how it tastes……. Open your mouth now…..

(Crying inwardly, Taehyung opened his mouth reluctantly. Smiling happily, Jimin fed Taehyung the cake with ketchup. Taehyung spat it out in a minute)

Jimin: (teared eyes) Why are you spitting it out? Do you know how happily I fed you this? Do you know how much love I put into this piece of cake? You alien head…… You are so bad….. I will not live with you anymore (sobbing) ……….. (stopped crying) Wait, I want ice cream. You didn't buy it, now go buy it for me

Tae: (blinking eyes) At this time?
Jimin: Go before I file a false police report against you for abducting me from my house……..

Tae: (in mind) Now I understand why Jin Hyung acts like this. Starting tomorrow I have to take lessons from Namjoon, Kai and Yoongi Hyung ……….

(He was snapped out of his thoughts when Jimin threw water on his face)

Jimin: (done face) Are you sleeping with your eyes open? Go to sleep in bed, but only after buying me ice cream…….

Taehyung sighed heavily and got up from his seat. Jimin threw the jacket over Taehyung's face before he walking out of the house.......

To be continue......
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Words : 753

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