Episode 17

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[Jungkook came home after finishing shopping. He went straight to their bedroom. Yeonjun doesn't want to sleep with just one of his parents, he wants both of his parents to be with him at any time. So three of them share one bedroom. Jungkook entered their bedroom without knocking, but his eyes widened when he saw his husband with a only pants and bare upper body.

They share the same bedroom, but they have never seen each other like this. He was staring at his husband's fully tattooed back without blinking. He was brought out of his thoughts when he heard a hissed sound from his husband. It was then that he noticed Yoongi applying something on his stomach, Yoongi's back was towards Jungkook so he didn't notice Jungkook's presence and Jungkook couldn't see what Yoongi was doing. He walked towards his husband]

Kook: Hyung, what are you doing? (He was so curious about what Yoongi was doing that he completely forgot that Yoongi was shirtless)

Yoongi: (widen eyes) J..... Jungkook........ When did you come back from shopping? (As he asks, he turns to Jungkook and hastily tries to put on his t-shirt, but Jungkook snatchs it off in shock) Jungkook, give me back my shirt

Kook: (widen eyes) You are bleeding, how did this happen? Oh my god........... Come on, I'll treat that (Saying this, he snatched the cotton ball from Yoongi's hand and began to clean Yoongi's stomach. He had a cut on his stomach and it was now bleeding) Hyung, you still haven't said how you got this cut

Yoongi: I didn't notice that the bathroom door handle was broken when I came out of the shower, the sharp side of the handle cut me as I passed the door. Ahhhhhhhh

Kook: Bear the pain a little longer, the cut seems a little deeper. You are not a child hyung you should have been more careful

Yoongi: (rolled his eyes) Can you do it quickly without wasting your time to give me free advice? Ahhhhhh...... Why? Why? (Without warning Yoongi, Jungkook applies antibiotic ointment to the cut, which makes Yoongi whimper)

Kook: (smirks) Now, where did the savage, cold Yoongi go?.......... ohhhh sorryyyy Suga

Yoongi: Can you please do something to ease the pain, the cut is burning now. I couldn't bear the pain

Kook: Oh sorry, hyung.......... Wait (He was sitting on the bed and Yoongi was standing in front of him. Jungkook blew air on the cut to soothe the burning sensation) How are you feeling now, hyung?

(He looked up to see Yoongi who was already looking at him. Yoongi had only come out of the shower a few minutes before Jungkook came into the room, so the water was still dripping from his hair which made him look even hotter. As for Jungkook, in this angle Yoongi looks hotter than ever with his well-built body, abs, tattoos, and wet hair. He bit his lips unconsciously. As for Yoongi, Jungkook was sitting and he was standing in this position, Jungkook looks more beautiful than before because the table lamp makes him even brighter.

When Jungkook bit his lips, Yoongi unconsciously placed his right hand on Jungkook's face and lightly rubbed his lips with his thumb. Jungkook closed his eyes at the feeling caused by his husband. They were snapped out of their thoughts when a drop of water landed on Jungkook's hand and he flinched and opened his eyes, bringing Yoongi back to reality)

Kook: (got up from bed with red cheeks) Hyung, where's Yeonjun? I'll go and make dinner

Yoongi: (wearing his t-shirt) I already made dinner and Yeonjun ate before sleeping. Only the two of us should eat. Come on let's go eat I have something important to tell you

Kook: (while eating) What do you have to say, hyung? Is something serious?

Yoongi: (sigh) Tomorrow we are going to company and you are coming with me. Tomorrow we have a meeting with KJ companies.

Just a play - Yoonkook ✔️✔️ (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now