Episode 28

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Wow, I didn't expect to reach 15 votes so soon. You have completed your task, so here is the next chapter as I promised

Next day morning

[Now Jungkook and Yoongi were having lunch in their living room, Yeonjun had gone with Lisa to explore the city. The room was filled with silence but it was a comfortable silence. Both of them didn't know what to talk about because what happened between them last night was only done by their hormones. But that doesn't mean they don't love each other or don't like what happened between them last night, but something is holding them both back. Soon Yoongi broke the silence]

Yoongi: (cleared his throat) Jungkook would you be comfortable if I talk to you about what happened between us last night? We don't have to talk if you don't want to.......

(Jungkook's cheeks flushed in embarrassment, not know how to tell his husband that he liked what happened last night.)

Kook: (little voice) What do you want to ask, hyung?

(He asked looking down because he didn't have the courage to look at his husband. Yoongi saw Jungkook's act and thought that Jungkook didn't like it and that he was too discomfortable)

Yoongi: (sigh) Sorry.......... (hearing this Jungkook looked at Yoongi with great confusion)

Kook: (confused) What do you mean, hyung?

Yoongi: You should have stopped me when things started happening....I never thought of doing it without your permission. I didn't know you didn't like it... (Before he can finish his sentence, he is cut off by an a furious Jungkook)

Kook: (glare) YAHHHHH............. YOU CAT FACE BRAINLESS MIN IDIOT YOONGI..... WILL YOU GIVE ME A CHANCE TO SPEAK OR NOT? ............. (Yoongi looked at him wide-eyed and open-mouthed, as Jungkook had never spoken to him or anyone like that. Jungkook took a deep breath before speaking) Give other people a chance to explain their side stories, idiot. Did I say I didn't enjoy it? Did I say don't do it again? (Yoongi was silent) Open your mouth and say. Did I? (Yoongi shakes his head as no) Then why are you assuming things by yourself (few minutes silent)

Yoongi: (wide eyes) What happened now? First of all what name did you call me? (Jungkook gulped) cat face brainless Min idiot yoongi?

Kook: (nervous laugh) Hyung listen I didn't mean to call you that but you didn't give me a chance to talk and you didn't listen that's why I called you that

Yoongi: (raised eye brows) You know what men tell the truth in certain situations, so you say I look like a cat? (Jungkook hurriedly shakes his head as no) Am I look like a fool to you, Jungkook-shi. (Jungkook nodded as yes and then no) I am at a loss for words right now but (smirks) Don't think I didn't hear you after that. (Jungkook blushed) That means you really enjoyed it too, right? (Jungkook stayed silent) Why not make a baby before we return to Korea?

[Saying this, he placed the dishes on the table before pulling Jungkook into his lap. Jungkook gasped at the sudden action, but quickly blushed when he noticed Yoongi's intent gaze on him. Yoongi lifts his chin with his finger. Both looked deeply into each other's eyes. They both leaned in and pressed their lips together, neither of them moving their lips for a few seconds. Yoongi started moving his lips first and closed his eyes, followed by Jungkook. Jungkook's arms automatically wrapped around Yoongi's neck and Yoongi's hands were placed on Jungkook's waist. Both pull each other to close the gap between them. Slowly the atmosphere began to heat up]

[A week later, Yoongi and Jungkook returned from America. Yoongi went straight from the airport to his office while Jungkook and Yeonjun went to their mansion. When Yoongi enters Jin's office, he finds Taehyung, Jin, Kai, and Namjoon already there. Taehyung and Kai watched nervously as Jin scolded Namjoon for breaking his cabin door]

Jin: WERE YOU BORN WITH HANDS THAT BREAK EVERYTHING WITH YOUR TOUCH? TAEHYUN HAS THIS POWER BECAUSE OF YOU. YOU ARE THE GOD OF DESTRUCTION AND HE IS THE PRINCE OF DESTRUCTION, I WISH MY SECOND CHILD WOULDN'T GET THIS POWER FROM EITHER OF YOU. (sigh) I don't know why I'm still with you, you're not that handsome either. (took a deep breath) Now go get me a juice I'm so tired of scolding you.

(Namjoon said nothing, walking towards the Jin with a small smile and pecking at his lips he said)

Joon: (cupped Jin's face) Keep calm dear, I will come with your juice. You take your seat, you shouldn't stand so long, don't worry, I'll fix this door this afternoon

Jin: (pout) come fast.......... (Namjoon pecked his lips again before walking out of the cabin, but he didn't forget to hug Yoongi when he noticed Yoongi at the door step)

Yoongi: (walking towards the table where the others) I don't know what Namjoon found in you, to me you are nothing special than others hyung.......

(Jin threw a pen at him and Yoongi catch it perfectly)

(after Namjoon came back with Jin's juice)

Kai: Hyung, as you said, we have already cut off every source of money for your dad, Jimin's dad, and Jungkook's dad's companies.

Tae: Our dad and Jimin's dad aren't willing to take out a loan in their names, but not Jungkook's dad. He has already applied for a loan at xxx bank.

Kai: If he successfully take the loan from the bank, we cannot do anything to him.

Yoongi: Before that we have to do something. Do any of you have an idea how to prevent him from taking a loan from the bank? Or how to stop the bank manager from giving him a loan?

Jin: (frowned eyes) Is it possible?

Joon: Possible........... (everyone turns towards Namjoon)

Everyone: How?

Joon: Let's make a deal with the manager that we will pay more than him if he help us with this. No one in the world is loyal to anyone in front of money (smirks) Money is the powerful weapon, you know that very well, right?

Jin: All your body parts have brain but not hands. (Everyone looked at Him with disbelief eyes) Today's meeting is over so I'm leaving, I want to take rest. Goodbye everyone

Kai: (patting Namjoon's back) I feel bad for you bro............

Joon: (sweetly smiling) pregnancy hormones......... Ok guys I'm leaving too. Your hyung will crave chocolate before sleep. He finished all the chocolates I bought him yesterday. He will be sad if there is no chocolate (he left and Taehyung looked at him amusingly)

Kai: Then I'll leave guys. I want to see Jhope and my children. Jhope must be exhausted after two days of taking care our newborn daughter and our two sons by his side without me....bye.

[After the two left, Yoongi got up from his seat and sat on his President chair. As he was looking through some files, Taehyung said something that caught his attention]

Tae: Is it important to care for someone who carries a child in the womb? (he asked in hesitation)

Yoongi: (done face) What kind of stupid question is that? That is very important. They have mood swings, cravings and weird cravings during pregnancy. It is their husband's duty to take care of them as a partner. At that time their mind and heart yearn for some attention and care. Do you know it must be a very different feeling for them? They cannot eat as they please. Sometimes they vomit everything they eat, so they get tired easily. Even if they walk for 1 minute their feet will swell.

Tae: (hesitate) Hyung, if you don't mind, can I meet Jungkook?

Yoongi: (little smile) If you feel guilty, don't forget that I was there for him when he went through that. He is in our mansion with Yeonjun, you can visit them there if you want (Smiling, Taehyung hugged Yoongi and continued to kiss his cheeks) YAHHHH........ You brat.... Leave me........ don't kiss me...... Yahhhh Let me go before I smack you with this bouquet

Tae: I'm going to meet Jungkook. Can you tell him?

Next update after 15 votes..... 😚😚😚😚😚

Don't forget to vote 😂😂

Words: 1366

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