Episode 32

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Two months later

[Everything is normal now. Mr&mrs.Kim, Mr&Mrs.Park are living in Mr.Kim's parents' house. Mr.jeon's company returned to their position but ranked 5th. He didn't cause them any trouble, so they let him live after that. Taehyung became a popular model in these two months just like his brother Jin. Now Jin is five months pregnant and Jimin is three months pregnant. And Jungkook is one month pregnant. Because of his thin body Jin's body does not show his belly that much. Now the three brothers are doing photoshoots together as per Jin's wish. All three were posing together and their husbands were there]

Kai: The three are looking so hot and breath taking bros

Jin: They look good because they stand next to WWH. No one in this world can resist my beauty, right hubby? (everyone rolled their eyes)

Joon: (dimple smile) You are right baby, no one can resist your beauty

Jimin: (sipping drink) Did you promise anyone not to tell the truth in front of JinHyung? (everyone chuckled)


Yoongi: (rolled his eyes) Can I go now if the shooting is over?

Everyone: STAY STILL….. MISTER……..

After shoot

Kook: (wiping Yoongi’s sweat) Hyung, did you tell everyone to come over for dinner tonight?

Yoongi: Don't worry I already informed everyone and they agreed. May I ask you something (Jungkook hummed) Why did you suddenly want to invite everyone to dinner? (wrapped his hands around Jungkook’s waist)

Kook: Have you forgotten that we haven't told anyone about our pregnancy yet? Don't you want to let them know?

Yoongi: Yes, I forgot about that. They will be very happy after knowing this news……. (placed his one hand on Jungkook’s belly) How is my baby inside?

Kook: (pout) The baby is fine but the mother is not. My legs hurt and I feel nauseous (Yoongi picks Jungkook in bridal style) Now better (buried his face in Yoongi's chest)

At night

Jin: Why did you suddenly invite us all to dinner? Anything you want to share with us? (Everyone stopped eating now and looked at Yoongi and Jungkook. Yoongi smiling at Jungkook before entwining their hands)

Yoongi: Yes, we both want to share a good news. (Everyone anxiously waits for Yoongi to tell them the good news) Yeonjun is going to be a big brother. (everyone is shocked) Jungkook is pregnant

[Hearing this everyone cheered loudly and congratulated both of them. Yeonjun, who was flirting with Soobin, said in shock]

Yeonjun: Finally my parents got to know what love is. (Yoonkook glared at him while the others laugh loudly) Now it's time to tell everyone my important thing (the elders confusingly looked at each other) Uncles Taehyung and Jimin, I love your son Soobin so much. I told my mom and dad and they said he is my brother but I don't want him as my brother. Can I marry him when I grow up?

(yoonkook facepalmed themselves, while the others looked at him like they saw a ghost except Jimin who smirked)

Jimin: Yes, you can marry my son, Yeonjun. But after you both turn 27, I want you both to be mature enough to handle everything (patting Soobin’s head lovingly who was blushing madly)

Jin: (twisting Jimin’s ear) What do you teach eleven year old boys, you idiot Jimin?

Yoongi: (sigh) Didn't you teach Yeonjun many things, hyung? (Jin left Jimin’s ear and chuckled nervously while the others shakes their heads)

16 years later

Tae: (done face) Wait a few more minutes, you unholy kids, and then you two will officially become husbands. Guests are here so don't do anything naughty (whisper)

Yoongi: (whisper) And Yeonjun when the priest says you can kiss the bride just give a peck don't eat his face in front of everyone don't forget that both of your younger siblings are watching your actions don't ruin their innocence

Priest: (clearing his throat) Can I start if you both finish your advice?

[Taehyung and Yoongi nodded before walking down the stage. Yoongi walked towards the family. taehyung went to his family. Jin and Namjoon were in the front row with their two sons, Taehyun and Jaehyun. Beside them were Kai and Jhope with their daughter Sora. Their older son Ji-seok and Namjin's elder son Taehyun were talking about the boy they met a few minutes ago, while their younger son Ji-hun was flirting with some girls]

Jhope: Sora, stop playing on phone. Kai, look at your youngest son. Tell him to behave like a good boy atleast today

Taehyun: His name is Beomgyu and he is Soobin's best friend (whisper)
Ji-Seok: Do you think brother-in-law will help you with this? But you two would make a perfect match

(On the other hand, Jimin was scolding his daughter Aera. By the time Taehyung got there)

Jimin: Taehyung, tell your daughter to understand that she is not of marriageable age yet so focus only on her studies (Taehyung looked at his daughter who was looking at him with innocent eyes)

Aera: Please, dad I also want to get married so please go and find me a groom. (Taehyung said with a heavy sigh before Jimin could say anything)

Tae: (sigh) Aera baby, you don't need to get married if you want to buy a dress like this, I'll buy you one for your birthday baby

(He kisses his daughter's cheeks and makes Aera's eyes light up and Jimin glares at him)

(Yoongi walked over to his family and sat next to his husband who rested his head on his shoulder)

Yoongi: Where did they go? (kissed Jungkook’s head and wrapped his hand around his waist

Kook: Ji-woon and Rowoon went to Yeonjun when you came down from there. There's your daughter, look (He pointed to their daughter Hana on Jimin's lap)

(Jungkook gave birth to twin boys and 6 years later he got pregnant again and gave birth to a girl)

Priest: You may kiss the bride (Yeonjun pulled Soobin towards him by his waist and captured his lips with his)

Kook: (kissed Yoongi’s cheeks) Happy anniversary love…………. I really like your present (saying this he points to the dress he was just wearing)

Yoongi: Happy anniversary baby.......

The end........

Words: 1061

I finally finished this book. Ugh….. next Yoonjin and then mafia brothers love........

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