Episode 21

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Tae: (raising eyebrows) Is this some kind of joke?

Mrs.Jeon: (smirk) Judging by your reaction I guess you didn't know about this before. He was pregnant when he left our home to marry you.

Mrs.Park: Yoongi must have known this before, so he might have married the guy to save his honor.

Mrs.Jeon: Aren't you going to do anything? (She tries her best to provoke Taehyung)

Tae: I am not going to stand here and watch them live in peace with my son. I am going to get my son from them right away (Before he walked over to Yoonkook who was happily listening to their son's stories, Mr. Kim grabbed his hands and stopped him)

Mr.Kim: What do you think you're going to do? Use your brain,this Jeons couldn't beat you in business, so they're provoking you now. If you raise your voice against them or try to get your son, do you think they would let you do it? They've already made each of our partners back out of our projects, and if you do this, Yoongi won't just sit back and watch. He will surely destroy us all.

Tae: (disbelieve) Are you really my parents? Do you think your money is more important than my son?

Jimin: (sarcastically) Look who's saying this. (He said and walked away from them, but Taehyung followed him and stopped him)

Tae: Why are you behaving like this? Have you forgotten how much I tried to get you and Yoongi Hyung together? Yes, we both don't accept each other as husbands, but can't you act like old Jimin who would do anything for my happiness?

Jimin: That Jimin is still with you and I will always be with you. If you really want to see your old soulmate again, listen carefully. Neither of us have the right to talk to them or go in front them. We should not forget not only the good things done to us but also the wrongs we done to others. We will never be forgiven for what we did 12 years ago. What would we have done if we were in their place? We would have cried from the sidelines not knowing what to do next, but they have overcome all odds and are here today. Look at all three of them (they both looked at Yoongi and Jungkook. Yoongi has Yeonjun in his arms and Jungkook feeds him. They looks do lovely family) You already have Soobin. Don't try to tear their beautiful family apart. We're living a false life, don't trap his life here with us. Only if he is with them can he live freely and happily

[Saying this, he turned to Yoongi and Jungkook. Jimin put his hand on his belly and smiled sadly]

Jimin: (in mind) I know me and Taehyung can't love each other or live like them, but I hope you get your father's love. One day your father will accept you and show you more love than Yoongi. And yet your dad and his brothers don't know what his parents are playing behind their sons' backs. I hope atleast your dad regains his brothers' love

Tae: Jimin, you wait here, I'll back (Saying that, he walked towards Jungkook who was standing alone. Yoongi took Yeonjun with him to meet his business partner so Jungkook waited for them. Taehyung approaches Jungkook and pulls him out of the party hall before Jimin can stop him.

Kook: (yanked his hand) Don't cross your limits, Mr. Kim. I am your brother's husband so keep your boundaries and learn to respect your brother in laws

Tae: (yelled) I know my limits and boundaries, so keep your advice with you. Now I want your answer to my question

Kook: (crossed arms) What would you want to ask? Ask quickly, my son and my husband will worry for me

Tae: what your son? he is my son also (Jungkook widens his eyes) So what your mother said is true, he is my son. I am his dad

Kook: You have no right to call yourself my son's father. You are nobody to him

Tae: (yelled) NO I'M NOT GOING TO LOSE MY SON LIKE I LOST MY BROTHERS TO YOU. FIRST YOU TOOK MY BROTHERS FROM ME AND NOW MY SON. I WILL NOT LET THIS HAPPEN. So what my father said is true, you came into my life to take everything away from me, didn't you? (Taehyung slapped himself a little, Jungkook confused by his actions and words)

Kook: Taehyung you are out of your senses so stop your yelling and come on let's go to everyone (Jimin ran towards the two of them and grabbed Taehyung's arm and wrapped it around his shoulder)

Jimin: Sorry Mr.Jungkook, for his actions and words. Taehyung, let's go

Tae: Jimin, tell him to give me my brothers. There is no one who truly loves me except them. He does not need to give my son. I only want my brothers, please tell him to return them to me. Please Jungkook, give me back my brothers. My Yoongi hyung, myJin hyung

(Finally tears began to flow from his eyes. And Taehyung passed out before he could say more, Jimin couldn't hold him due to the weight, but before Taehyung's unconscious body hit the ground, someone's hand gripped him tightly. The man picked up Taehyung's unconscious body bridal style and the other two looked to see who the man was. It's Yoongi. Yoongi took Taehyung through the party hall to his car. Seeing this, Jin followed them)

At Hospital

[The doctor was examining Taehyung while Jimin, Jin, Yoongi, and Jungkook waited outside. Soon the doctor came out of the room and the others ran towards him]

Jin: (panic) Is my brother ok doctor? What's wrong with him?

Doctor: Sir, where is Mr. Taehyung's father, who always brings him here for his routine check-up?

Yoongi: (held Doctor's collar) What do you mean by routine chec-up? What happened to him?

Doc: (released himself from Yoongi's hold) Sir, nothing to worry about. He has complicated grief or you can say depression. Sir he is under stress for more than 12 years due to which he always gets severe headache and high blood pressure. Complicated grief occurs when we loses a loved one. As far as I know, he may have lost his loved one years ago, which has caused him complicated grief. It can't be cured with medicine but his father always brings him here and I have to give him pain reliever due to his father's pressure. Long-term pain killers can lead to serious heart disease and stomach problems. I already told his father about this but his father never listened to me. So now his stomach is infected internally and his blood levels are high. If his depression can't be alleviated, he may soon have a heart attack, because his heart begins to weaken from the painkillers.

(The tears escaped everyone's eyes except for Yoongi who was trying hard not to cry)

Jin: How to cure him, Doctor. It doesn't matter how much money it costs. I want my brother to get well (held the doctors hands tightly)

Doc: As I said before there is no medicine to cure his depression. But we can only cure his internal stomach infection. The only way to heal him is to bring back the people he lost (left)

Yoongi: Hyung, let's go. (Jin hesitates) Hyung, his husband is here to take care of him, it shouldn't be our concern. We don't know who he lost years ago, maybe it was his girlfriend. So we can't help him in this matter

To Be Continue................

If this chapter gets 15 votes I will upload the next part tomorrow

Words: 1272 

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