Episode 29

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[Yoongi nods a little and Taehyung hugs him again before leaving Yoongi's room. He went directly to meet Jungkook at Yoonkook's mansion. Jungkook was already waiting for him in the living room as Yoongi had already informed him about Taehyung. He felt a little strange feeling in his heart, which he told Yoongi without concealing it. Yoongi explains to him that this is the only way to put everything in its right place. He was wondering what was going to happen. He was snapped out of his thoughts by the ringing of the doorbell, drawing his attention. He took a deep breath before opening the door and letting Taehyung in]

Tae: (while entering) Sorry to bother you again and again (He said looking down because he couldn't look up at Jungkook's face)

Kook: (rolled his eyes) Hyung had already informed me that you would be coming. Come in, let's sit down and talk (Both of them sat opposite each other on the sofa. Jungkook waited for Taehyung to say something who was looking down the whole time) I think you came here to say something, didn't you?

Tae: (took a deep breath) I came here to apologize for everything I did

Kook: (laugh sarcastically) Do you think your apology will solve everything now? Or can the apology you ask now heal the wound you created in my heart?

Tae: I know sorry can't solve everything, but my brother healed the wound I created in your heart years ago, didn't he? If I'm not mistaken, you two have already started your life, right?

Kook: (scoff) How can you always talk like you've done nothing wrong? You did everything and I don't know what would have happened to me and my son if Yoongi hyung wasn't there for me that day. You literally used me and threw me away like a tissue paper. No one loved me so I foolishly fell into your trap easily (a tear dropped from his eyes) I haven't done anything wrong to anyone even animals but you and Jimin hyung showed me what punishment is for being so innocent. Everyone loves to think about their wedding day, how their wedding went and how happy they were. But I'll still be the only person in the world who doesn't want to think about the marriage..........

(Before he could say more, what Taehyung did shocked him and jumped out of his seat) TAEHYUNG, WHAT ARE YOU DOING? WAKE UP
(Taehyung was kneeling in front of Jungkook)

Tae: Forgive me. Please forgive me. My love for my brothers and the words of my parents blinded me. But that doesn't mean I was right. What I did was unforgivable. I was brought up enough to think about what I was doing, but before I did it I didn't think once about what would happen to you after doing it. (joining hands) Please forgive me Jungkook. After I did it, I couldn't even think about whether I had done it right or wrong, and there was no one with me to tell me that I had done it wrong. I am really sorry (He cried at last)

Kook: Hey Taehyung, don't cry. What you did was wrong but because of you I am with your brother now. Because of you I have got a beautiful family and a man that everyone dreams of having by their side. It's so hard to forgive you, but I'll try to forgive you because you've realized your mistake (rolls eyes) Your hyung won't let me go until I forgive you. (forwarded his hand) get up..........

(Taehyung got up off the ground, grabbing Jungkook's hand)

Tae: Thanks and again sorry for being a j*rk back. Jungkook, if you don't mind, can I ask you something? (Jungkook nodded confusingly) May I know what you craved to eat when you were pregnant?

Kook: (sweet smile) For Jimin hyung (Taehyung nodded) I craved for chocolates, chips with jam, cake with ketchup, pickles (Taehyung made an eww face) Yahhh Kim Taehyung, why is your face like this? Everyone in their pregnancy craves for these items...... (hits Taehyung's arm playfully)

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