Episode 6

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Yoongi: Don't try to lie. You know about this, don't you? (Jimin is silent) Now I can tell by your nervous eyes and your silence, you already know about this....... (silence for a few seconds) Invite him.... (Jimin is shocked) Invite him and his new boyfriend to join us.

[Soon as he asked, Taehyung and Jungkook joined them. Now the table was full of three nervous people and one man with piercing eyes. Yoongi was looking at the three of them with burning eyes. But there is some confusion and disappointment in his eyes. He was cold on the outside but he loved his family very much. He doesn't know or want to show his love. He doesn't want Taehyung to stop loving someone, he wants someone who truly loves Taehyung to beside him. He knows Jungkook is perfect for Taehyung, but will their father accept them? Taehyung is not the Yoongi who fought with his father for love. Taehyung is his father's little puppet who does everything according to his father's opinions without question. So he can't fight his father for his love, he doesn't have the guts to do so at first. He quickly cleared his throat and got everyone's attention, all three looking at him nervously]

Yoongi: (clears his throat) Do you three have something to say? I want to hear without covering anything

[The three looked at him and gulped and before they could say anything, Yoongi called over the waiter gave the order. Soon the food arrived and he started eating, but the other three were staring at him]

Yoongi: (Cold) Aren't you three hungry? I guess you came to eat, didn't you? eat

[The other three started eating without saying anything. But Yoongi kept looking at them between seconds. jimin and Taehyung didn't care because it was their routine and his nature was very normal to them. But not for Jungkook, he was too afraid of Yoongi's gaze. When he raised his head, his eyes were locked with Yoongi's cold eyes as he choked on his food, which made him cough badly. Taehyung was very worried]

Tae: (patting Jungkoook's back and gave him water) Are you okay, baby? Eat slowly, baby. I will be here with you. Don't be afraid of Yoongi Hyung, he's always like this. Hyung, for God's sake don't scare him with your gaze

[Soon he widened his eyes and Jimin too.... because it was his first time talking to his Yoongi hyung like this. He had talked to Jin like this before, but not in front of Yoongi]

Tae: (lower his head) I am sorry hyung...... I didn't mean to talk to you like this...... I was very worried. Please forgive me.....I promise, I will never do this again

Yoongi: (cold) Relax........ (sighed) I'm not mad. First time in my life I am very proud of you. I was very worried about you because you didn't talk in front of me or dad even though we were wrong. I thought you would always be like this and not support your future partner. But now I'm glad you have at least a little bit of my character. Always remember one thing, never let your partner down under any circumstances. If you can do it, you two can date, if not then stop it here before it hurts either of you in the future..... (He gets up from his seat and ruffles his brother's hair lightly. Tears well up in Taehyung's eyes because it's his first time Yoongi hyung behaves sweetly with him)

Jimin: (over whelmed) Hyung, can I take a picture of you two in this pose, please don't reject

Yoongi: (chuckled) Quick, before I change my mind (saying this, he hugged his younger brother who was sitting. Taehyung buried his face in his hyung's embrace)

Time skip

Tae: (on call) You know what Jungkook? Hyung never hugged me before. He only hugs Jin hyung as they both have been close to each other since childhood. Jin Hyung is another mother to Yoongi Hyung and Yoongi Hyung is his savior to Jin Hyung. I was Dad's favorite because I was always with him. Yoongi Hyung points out dad's faults without any fear which made dad hates him but hyung won't mind him. He is also my hero, but don't I show him that....... I love him so much.

[Taehyung was on the call with Jungkook. He was very happy today. Jimin sent Taehyung a photo of Yoongi hugging Taehyung. He couldn't believe what happened today. So he was talking to Jungkook about this for over 1 hour. Jungkook isn't mad, but he loves the bond between Taehyung and Yoongi. Now he understands that Yoongi is actually a responsible person. This created a special place in his heart in honor of his beloved's brother]

Yoongi: (on call) As Jungkook choked on his food, Taehyung was worried to dead. I saw genuine concern for Jungkook in his eyes, hyung. Maybe he planned to play with that innocent boy's heart, but now I'm sure he really loves Jungkook. Unbeknownst to himself, he falls for Jungkook. With his behavior today, I'm sure he'll do anything to keep Jungkook with him, even go against dad.

Jin: (sighed) This is what we want, right? Now I am at peace. I was so worried about that boy..... Good night, Yoongi

Yoongi: Sleep well, hyung. We don't have to worry about Taehyung anymore......... (disconnected the call) Don't break my trust Taehyung... hyung loves you

[Taehyung has changed a lot in this one month or let's say his love for Jungkook has changed him. No longer the old Taehyung who only talked to rich kids, now he talks to every student without prejudice. Jin and Yoongi love his thid change. Now they started sitting with Yoongi's friends during their lunch break. The bond between them grew further. It's been a great month for both Jungkook and Taehyung. As an only child to his parents, Jungkook never got brotherly love from anyone before, but now that has changed. Namjoon, Jhope, and Jimin are there to give him the brotherly love he's longed for all these years. And for the first time in his life Taehyung got to spend time with his brothers. He loved that time. He now realizes what he missed these years, his brothers. His two elder brothers have a very good bond with each other and love for each other. Now he too has a chance to win the love of those brothers. During this one month he really enjoyed being pampered by his brothers]

[Now he and Jungkook came to celebrate their one month anniversary at beach, which was organized by Jimin. Jungkook's parents went on a business trip, so it was easy for him to sneak out of his mansion]

(Taehyung was sitting on the sand, Jungkook between his legs. His back was pressed against Taehyung's chest)

Tae: (held Jungkook's left hand and placed a kiss) baby, I will ask you a question, but you must answer honestly.

Kook: (Tilting his head back and he looked straight into Taehyung's deep ocean eyes) What, Hyungie? (little voice)

Tae: (took a deep breath) Are you happy with me? Don't you regret loving me at least once in this month?

(Jungkook turned to face Taehyung and sat comfortably on Taehyung's lap. He wrapped his arms around Taehyung's neck and Taehyung's hands automatically placed on Jungkook's hips. They were both looking each other deeply)

Kook: I am not happy but I am beyond happy with you. I don't know if I'm happy now but I know that I've never been as happy as I am now. Then how can I regret loving you. I will never regret loving you, not just now, but always

Tae: Do you know what you are so pure for this cruel world? Please grow up a little more mentally or others will use your innocence against you.

Kook: (smile little) Why should I fear the world or others when you are near me? I know you will protect me from this world

(Saying this he kissed Taehyung on both cheeks who closed his eyes to feel his lover's soft pink lips on his skin)

Tae: (still closed eyes) I am in this world too, love. So beware of me and my actions

Kook: (confused) Can you brief me?

Tae: (placed his finger on Jungkook's lips) shuuuuu...... next question.... Do you believe that we will be together and no one can tear us apart?

Kook: (whispered against Taehyung's lips) You are talking too much, hyung.......

[saying this without wasting any seconds he connected their lips. The night, the beach breeze and the atmosphere lead the kiss into a 5 minutes makeout. But they lost themselves in each others. Their hands started to move on each other's body. Taehyung picked up Jungkook bridal style and walked towards the bed already prepared by Jimin, locking eyes with the younger one in his arms. That night they broke all boundaries between them. But one of them was completely overwhelmed by the other's touch and the other was smirking himself at the success of his plan]

To be continue
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Words: 1533

Just a play - Yoonkook ✔️✔️ (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now