Episode 13

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[Yoongi decided to open a new music company as Jungkook said. But they can't open a big company because they have only a small amount in hand. So they rented a small room with the amount they had and started "YJ Entertainment". Jin didn't like the idea, but he didn't want to stop his brother because he knew how much his husband and his brother loved music. It's been a month since they opened YJ Entertainment. Their company's first idol is Jungkook, but their first song is yet to come out. Jhope is their choreographer, while Namjoon and Yoongi are the music producers. Jungkook and Jhope were filming the MV, while Namjoon and Yoongi were in their studio to compose music for the next songs. Today is Yoongi and Jin's day off, they haven't quit work yet, they still continue their work. Today, Jin takes care of Namjoon's restaurant and their sons (His son and Jungkook's son) with the help of their staff. It is now 6.00 pm]

Jhope: Kookie, you need to go forward when doing that step. Your hand should look like this, wait, I'll show you......... [He was telling Jungkook dance moves when someone interrupted them]

Staff: Sir Jhope, someone has come to see you. Should I let him in?

Jhope: (confused) Me? (staff nodded) Let him in. Who is that person who wants to meet me?

[He looked at Jungkook in confusion who had the same reaction as Jhope. Soon the man came in to surprise Jhope and Jungkook. Without wasting a second, Jhope ran towards the man and hugged him tightly. The man also hugged him tightly and kissed him on the forehead. They pulled back from the hug when Jungkook spoke]

Kook: How are you Kai Hyung? When did you come from London? We thought you'd be there forever

Kai: (side hugging Jhope) I thought so too, but how could I live there when I knew my brothers were about to embark on their journey of life. I also want to travel with you all. Apart from that I also wanted to marry my love and after seeing your both couple's child I also want to have a child.

Kook: (teased) Do not use protection for a few weeks, But before that hear Jhope Hyung's will on it

Jhope: (blushed) Can't you stop embarrassing me you bunny? (pinched Jungkook's ear)

??: yahhhhhh............ you Hoseokie leave my husband's bunny ear.

Jhope: (rolled his eyes before left Jungkook's ear) Here comes your guardian. Don't worry, no one hurt your husband, hyung. Anyway how was your work? (jungkook pouts and rubbing his ears which got pinched by Jhope but not that much hard)

Yoongi: (gummy smile) It was good. How are you Kai, when did you come?

Kai: Now, hyung. Then I'll meet you at your house, now I have to go, mom will be waiting for me, bye guys....... (he hugs Yoongi and Jungkook and kisses Jhope before left)

Yoongi: Is your shoot over?

Jhope: No hyung, it will be over in two hours.............

Yoongi: Then, I'm going. Yeonjun will be waiting for both of us. I have to go before he starts crying and making a drama. I'll come pick you two up after I get Yeonjun from Jin Hyung (After he left, Jhope and Jungkook resumed filming)


[Jhope was physically and mentally ill after rejecting kai's proposal. That's when he learned from Yoongi that Kai was going to continue his studies in London]

Joon: Locking yourself in your room won't solve any problems. Why do you keep rejecting him when you see his love for you? I know we are poor and he is rich but he is willing to lose everything for you.

Jhope: (sobbing while hugging his brother) I don't want him to lose his family because of our love. I see everyday how much Jin Hyung misses his family and I don't want to drag him with us

Jin: (comes inside) If this is the reason why you hide your love, Let me tell you, his parents are not like my parents. They want their son's happiness more than money. If they find out that their money is the reason for their son's failure in love, they will destroy all their money to keep you two together. You still have time, tell him your love before he gets on the plane

[Jhope then takes a cab to the airport and confesses his love to Kai. Kai's parents were also present. Kai and his parents were very happy but as planned Kai went to London for his studies]

Now present time: At Kim Mansion

Jimin: Soobin, I swear to God, finish your milk or I'll throw out all your toys

[Jimin was running behind the one and a half year old boy. Suddenly hearing Jimin's threat, the boy stopped in his tracks and looked back. Jimin smirked and handed the boy a bottle of milk. The boy pouted, but saw Jimin's glare he took the bottle from Jimin. In a minute the boy drank the milk with a hideous face]

Jimin: Don't pretend I gave you poison to drink, it's milk. Now go and complain about me to your dada

Soobin: (fake crying) I whihill twell dada ahbouth yowu. Whait, yowu little chimmy (I will tell dad about you. Wait you little Chimmy) (Saying that, the little boy ran towards the room with his little steps)

Jimin: (rolled his eyes) Like I care......... TELL YOUR DAD TO COME FOR DINNER......... (shout)

[Taehyung was drying his hair after a shower, wearing only sweatpants. Suddenly his son Soobin entered the room and hugged his father's leg. Taehyung knelt at his son's level and cupped his face]

Tae: What's up baby, why are you sulking? Did your papa say anything? (peeked his pouty lips)

[But Soobin said nothing and hugged his father and buried his face in his neck. Taehyung smiled and left him sitting on the bed and put on his hoodie. He carried his son and went to the kitchen, where his husband was taking the cooked food and placing it on the dining table. Jimin said after noticing his husband and son coming towards the dining room]

Jimin: Is your complaint section over or you haven't started yet? (crossed arms) If I'm sure, you haven't started yet, am I right?

[Soobin lifted his head from his dada's neck and glared at his papa after hearing his papa teasing him]

Tae: (chuckled) Don't you two have other works besides fighting like Tom and Jerry? Come on baby, dada will feed you.

Jimin: You don't have to feed him, I know very well that you won't feed him vegetables. He has to eat vegetables, drama king, if you want to be like your dad, you have to eat vegetables.

To be Continue

Words: 1112

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